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Indispensable to routine and esoteric clinical diagnostics, immunoassays are featured alongside clinical chemistry in highly automated integrated chemistry stations through manually intensive, wet enzyme immunoassay (EIA) plates for specialty infectious disease and autoimmune testing. Immunoassays are also used throughout the world for serological screening of donated blood and plasma. Recent reports from Kalorama Information offer market insights into immunoassay applications for autoimmune, infectious disease, and blood bank testing worldwide.
- $3,360.00 – $6,720.00IVD in India IVD in India provides analysis of the Indian IVD industry and presents projections to 2025, featuring estimates of the total opportunity and its component sectors, including: total IVD revenues in India, 2015-2025, IVD revenues in India by market sector (immunoassays, clinical chemistry, hematology, POC/OTC, molecular, urinalysis, other) in 2015, IVD revenues in […]January 6, 2016$3,500.00 – $7,000.00The World Market for Infectious Disease Diagnostic Tests World Market for Infectious Disease Tests provides detailed market estimates and forecasts for four major areas of infectious disease testing, including identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing, immunoassays, molecular testing and blood screening and subsegments within. POC and home testing markets for infectious disease are also provided. Sales […]November 1, 2015The World Market for Cancer Diagnostics, 2014-2019, 6th Edition (Histology [ISH, IHC, HPV, Pap], Flow Cytometry, PSA, CEA, Liquid Biopsy, FOB and Other Rapid, Image Cytometry, Sequencing, Digital Pathology, Molecular Assays) Cancer testing is maturing from personalized medicine to precision medicine, where protein and molecular biomarkers are essential for precise diagnosis, therapy selection, therapy monitoring […]September 11, 2015$1,995.00 – $3,990.00The IVD Market in Vietnam presents current analysis of the Vietnamese IVD industry. Vietnam has demonstrated fast economic growth in recent years. Increases in foreign investment, wages, trade, industrialization and tourism have led to economic growth higher than that of many other economies in Asia. As a result, IVD companies searching for emerging market areas […]August 19, 2015$1,995.00 – $3,995.00IVD in China Market Outlook 2014-2024 With a population of more than 1 billion, China is the world’s largest country and therefore also its single largest potential market for goods and services. In the past ten years, China has led all major world economies in the average rate of growth in real GDP, total health expenditures, […]June 11, 2015$1,995.00 – $3,990.00The Market for IVD in Latin America The Market for IVD in Latin America is an essential resource for IVD companies seeking market information for developing countries with growing economies. Kalorama Information, and VA Consultadora y Asociados of Argentina have published detailed nation by nation market analysis of the IVD markets in LATAM and thier […]January 31, 2015Physician Office Laboratory (POL) Markets, 3rd Edition (Markets for Office-Based Chemistry, Glucose, Coagulation PT, Autoimmune, HIV, Hep, Cardiac Markers, PSA, Flu, HbA1c, Hematology, FOB and Other Tests) Physician office laboratories are a diverse but significant market for IVD products. The range of POLs is vast: Individual physicians may peform in-office pregnancy and glucose tests, run […]August 15, 2014$1,995.00 – $3,990.00The in vitro diagnostics (IVD) market attracts considerable interest. There are hundreds of participating companies, competing in multiple areas of testing. Each IVD segment could be said to function as an industry in and of itself. There are companies who specialize in one area and companies who participate across segments. There are myriad products, from routine blood tests to complicated […]August 13, 2014$1,995.00 – $3,995.00IVD in Singapore and Malaysia Regional opportunities are the focus of IVD manufacturers that seek marginal growth. Southeast Asia represents a unique market for healthcare providers and their various business suppliers, including the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry. Kalorama details in this report two countries expected to provide business for IVD manufacturers: Singapore and Malaysia. […]January 1, 2014$3,995.00 – $7,990.00The World Market for Immunoassays Visit our Immunoassays curated page for complete industry coverage. The immunoassay market is large and long-established, but at the same time highly competitive. Kalorama Information’s newly published report, The World Market for Immunoassays, describes the opportunities that exist for large IVD companies adopting new strategies and for new entrants to […]November 6, 2013