10 Facts About the In Vitro Diagnostics Market
Kalorama Information has released its latest look at the IVD market, containing over 1200 pages of market information.
The report reveals that:
Size of Market: The market is 83 Billion dollars
COVID-19 Driving: 11% of that amount is now COVID-19 testing
Infectious Disease, Inherited Disease: These categories lead revenue growth
Large Amount of Competitors: 300+ Companies sell IVD products
Dominated by a Few Players: But most revenues are made by less than 20 Companies
IVD is the Gate Keeper: IVD market influences 11 trillion+ dollars of other markets including pharmaceuticals
An International Market: 45% of the market is in the United States
New Economies: South Korea, Turkey and Vietnam among new growth markets
Leaders: Roche and Abbott are the largest companies in the market
Watch Out: Cepheid, Quidel and Bruker are fast-growers
This and more information can be found in Kalorama Information’s report, now in its 13th Edition:
About Kalorama Information
Kalorama Information, part of Science and Medicine Group, is the leading publisher of market research in healthcare areas, including in vitro diagnostics (IVD), biotechnology, healthcare, medical devices, and pharmaceuticals. Science and Medicine Group supports companies seeking to commercialize the rapidly changing marketplace at the intersection of science, medicine, and technology. Comprised of industry-leading brands, Science and Medicine Group serves analytical instrument, life science, imaging, and clinical diagnostic companies by helping them create strategies and products to win markets and provide platforms to digitally engage their markets through a variety of innovative solutions. Kalorama Information produces 30 reports a year. The firm offers a Knowledge Center, which provides access to all published reports.