The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests, 14th Edition
$8,250.00 – $16,500.00
The most essential report on the IVD industry, this 1,500-plus page report has provided reliable estimates and real-world forecasts for the in vitro diagnostics industry for two decades.
Kalorama Information’s latest edition of our in vitro diagnostic market report is now available. This represents the fourteenth time in two decades our analysts have fully assessed the in vitro diagnostic market from scratch and re-report numbers. Last year, the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted how important testing is in a way that could not be imagined This year, COVID-19 is to some degree a routine test category in respiratory and infectious disease testing, themselves high-growth segments. Now the question will be how increased back to work/back to school/back to physician office plans will affect IVD markets? This as well as the segment-specific testing market trends will be addressed in this volume.
What is the Size of the IVD Market in 2021?
The market for in vitro diagnostics, instruments and reagents exceeds 117 billion dollars. It is made up of many testing segments, totaled in this report.
Beyond COVID-19, Tests for cancer and infectious disease detection, transplant success, pharmaceutical selection have added healthcare value and improved outcomes. Genetic tests for rare diseases and prenatal assessment are increasingly utilized. Tests for emerging diseases have also become increasingly important.
Kalorama Information’s estimates stand out from others because the firm is a focused publisher of in vitro diagnostics market research and not an entity publishing reports on all topics. Months of analysis ad review of secondary sources by seasoned analysts, critical readings of current and historic company filings and releases, interviews with relevant experts and searching of government sources and journal literature result in reliable global market modeling, trusted by many of the top companies in the market.
But in vitro diagnostics represents a large market, with scores of significant competitors. Sorting out the marketplace can be difficult without a definitive guide. What is the market size for clinical chemistry, immunoassays, molecular tests, hematology tests and other test categories?
What is the Size of IVD Market Segments? Who’s Winning? Who’s Merged? Who’s Launched Game-Changing Products?
One book definitively answers these questions, from a publisher that is focused on in vitro diagnostics. Now in its 14th edition, this Kalorama Information report, The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Tests, is the most essential report on the IVD industry. For two decades, the 1,500-plus page report has provided reliable estimates and real-world forecasts for the in vitro diagnostics industry.
1500 + Page Report Based on Vendor Reporting, Interviews, Vendor Activities
Authored by Veteran IVD Analysts with Industry Knowledge
12 Detailed Market Chapters with 2021 Market Estimates
Where is IVD Heading? – Market Segment Projections to 2026
Regional Breakouts Including Country IVD Markets
Sections on China and The United States IVD Markets
Coverage of Growth Markets: Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and Southeast Asia
Superior Company Profiles of Top Tier Companies and Hundreds of Smaller Concerns
Industry-Standard Business Planning Tools
Coverage of Trends and Market Estimates for Essential IVD Segments
The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Tests estimates the current in vitro diagnostics market size and forecasted market size to 2026 for defined segments of the IVD market and various sub-segments, including:
Point-of-Care Testing (POC) (Professional and Self-Testing)
Glucose Testing
Substance Abuse Testing
Microbiology and Virology by Test Type (Immunoassays, ID/AST, Infectious Diseases – DNA; ID/AST: Panels and Reagents, automated; Panels and Reagents, manual; Blood Culture; Chromogenic Media; Rapid Micro; Supplies)
For each of the listed in vitro diagnostics market segments, 2021 in vitro diagnostics market size, 2026 projection and compound annual growth rate is provided, as well as significant in vitro diagnostic companies in the market and IVD manufacturers’ product innovations. The market data is put into a context with real-world industry and medical practice trends.
The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests has been called “The Bible of the IVD Industry” by customers, which include top IVD firms. Using Kalorama Information’s The Worldwide Market for In vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Tests, 14th Edition, ensures that your firm will have the perspective and data of others in the in vitro diagnostics industry, as well as of those who track and invest in the IVD industry.
Country-Level Coverage
The in vitro diagnostics market is a global one, and The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Tests, 14th Edition reflects the international scope of the in vitro diagnostics market size. In the healthcare market, IVD companies sell globally and think globally. Trends in one part of the world affect IVD manufacturers’ product decisions and company financial performance in others. Thus, this is a global report, and the following regional and country overall IVD markets are included:
South Korea
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
Eastern Europe
Emerging Markets
Rest of World
The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests is a testament to the Kalorama methodology. It is the result of months of painstaking work by an experienced IVD industry analyst, who has tracked hundreds of in vitro diagnostic companies for developments, trends and financial results. This research is compiled along with the opinion, observations and insights of industry experts to produce an unparalleled vision of the in vitro diagnostics industry as it is in 2021.
Competitive Analysis and Corporate Profiling
The report concentrates over a thousand pages on detailed and tiered profiles of companies in the in vitro diagnostics market. The experience that Kalorama Information has in the in vitro diagnostic market is evident in its tiering and segmentation of companies. First tier, second-tier and specialist companies are profiled. Financial results, product launches, company history and strategic plans are analyzed in the profiles. Over 200 Profiles are included in the report. Companies profiled include:
A. Menarini Diagnostics
Abbott Diagnostics
Becton, Dickinson (BD)
Beckman Coulter
Eiken Chemical
Instrumentation Laboratory
Lab Corp.
Leica Biosystems
Nova Biomedical
Meridian Bioscience, Inc.
Perkin Elmer
Roche Diagnostics
Siemens Healthineers
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Table of Contents
Figure 1-1: The Worldwide IVD Market, 2021-2026 ($millions)
Scope and Methodology
Table 1-1: Exchange Rate Fluctuations, 2018-2020
Finding What You Are Looking For in the 14th Edition
Table 1-2: Finding What You Are Looking For in the 14th Edition
Size and Growth of the Market
Table 1-3: Global In Vitro Diagnostic Sales by Product Market, 2021-2026 ($ millions)
IVD Market Highlights
At Home Testing
Competitive Picture in IVD
COVID-19 Recovery
What to Watch
Next-Generation Sequencing and IVD
2021 – Year for Liquid Biopsy?
Urgent Care Proves Out
IVD Landscape
Market Analysis of IVD Market Segments
Table 2-1: Global In Vitro Diagnostic Sales by Product Market, 2021-2026 ($ million) (COVID-19 Molecular, COVID-19 Immunoassay, Clinical Chemistry; Immunoassays, Infectious Disease; Immunoassays, Other; Blood Bank Screening; Drugs of Abuse; HbA1c Immunoassays, Lab-Based; Hematology; Microbiology (ID/AST); Molecular Microbiology; Radioimmunoassays; Coagulation; Histology/Cytology; HPV, molecular; Nucleic Acid Assays; Blood Grouping/Typing; Blood Bank Molecular; Circulating Tumor Cells; POC, OTC diabetes; Continuous Glucose; POC, OTC Other; POC Professional; Mass Spectrometry)
Top Suppliers and Niche Players
Overview of the Top Tier Companies
Table 2-2: Revenues of Selected Top IVD Companies, 2015-2019 ($ million, estimated)
Table 3-1: Elderly Support Ratio in Various Countries (Australia; Brazil; Canada; China; China, Hong Kong SAR; France; Germany; India; Italy; Japan; Mexico; Saudi Arabia; Singapore; South Africa; Spain; Turkey; United Kingdom; United States; World)
Workforce Reduction
Table 3-2: Age Under 15 and Over 65, by Continent (Africa, L. America/Caribbean, Asia, Oceania, N. America, Europe, World))
Table 3-4: Available Market Data, 2018 (China, India, United States, Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Nigeria, Turkey, S. Korea, S. Africa, Vietnam, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Columbia, Ukraine, Egypt, Malaysia))
Emerging Nations and Health Insurance
Size and Forecast for the Global IVD Market
Table 3-5: Global In Vitro Diagnostic Market (including non-traditional IVD revenues); Major Country/Region Markets, 2021 and 2025 ($ millions) (United States, EU 15/W. Europe, Japan, China, Canada, Eastern Europe, Brazil, India, Russia, Australia, Turkey, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Korea)
Table 3-12: Total Midyear Population by Broad Age Group: China (million persons), 2010-2050
Clinical Laboratory Tests in China
Figure 3-9: Number of Visits and Admissions to Hospital Institutions in China Annually, 2015 (General Hospitals, Specialized Hospitals, Chinese Medical Hospitals, Community Health Service Centers, Health Centers [Urban and Township], Village Clinics, Others)
Table 3-14: Asia Pacific IVD Market by Country, 2021 ($ millions) (Australia, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam)
Brazil: LATAM Leader
Disease Trends
Table 3-15: Brazil IVD Market by Segment, 2021 (%)
Table 7-3: Selected Immunoassay Innovations on Core Lab Instruments
Market Analysis
Leading Suppliers and Growth Potential
Table 7-4 Global Lab-based Immunoassay (excluding infectious disease and blood screening) Sales, by Analyte Type, 2021-2026 ($millions) (Cardiac Markers, Tumor Markers, Autoimmune, Diabetes/HbA1c, Allergy, Thyroid, Proteins, Anemia, Fertility, Therapeutic Drugs, Drugs of Abuse, Vitamin D, Total; w/o HbA1c)
Table 7-5: Global Immunoassay (excluding infectious disease and blood screening) Sales Distribution by Region, 2021 (%) (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW)
Table 7-6: Selected Immunoassay Quality Control Products
Table 7-7: 2019 Revenue of Leading Immunoassay Vendors (in millions $), Estimated
Table 7-13: Selected Inflammatory Bowel Disease Test Innovations
Transplant Management
Table 7-14: Selected Immunoassays for Transplant Medicine
Women’s Health
Table 7-15: Selected Women’s Health Innovations
Alzheimer’s Disease
Table 7-16: Selected Innovations for Alzheimer’s Disease Immunoassays
Sleep Apnea
Table 7-17: Selected Immunoassay Innovations
Point-of-Care OTC and Professional Use
Table 7-18: Global POC Immunoassay Sales Distribution by Region, 2021 (United States, Europe, Japan, RoW)
Table 7-19: Global POC Immunoassay Test Sales by Test Category, 2021-2026 (millions $) (OTC/Self Tests: Pregnancy/Ovulation, Drugs of Abuse, HIV, H. pylori, Other, OTC/Self Total; Professional POC: Cardiac Markers, Drugs of Abuse, HbA1c, Pregnancy, Other, Professional Total)
Table 7-22: Selected POC Immunoassay Test Platforms
The Commercial Outlook for Immunoassays
Table 8-1: Common Next Generation Molecular Test Traits
Sample Preparation and Quality Control
Table 8-2: Selected Molecular Test Sample Preparation and QC Innovations
Advanced Molecular Tests and Technologies
Exosome Sequencing
Table 8-3: Selected Exosome Test Innovations
Liquid Biopsy
Table 8-4: Selected Liquid Biopsy Innovations
Metabolomic Profiling
Information Technology for Test Value
Table 8-5: Selected IT Innovations in Molecular Diagnostics
Forensic Studies – An Emerging Opportunity
Table 8-6: Selected Innovations in Forensic DNA Testing
Test Platforms
Table 8-7: Key Molecular Technologies and Major Players
Table 8-8: Selected Molecular Test Platform Innovations
Major Players
Table 8-9: Molecular Test Revenues of Selected IVD Vendors, 2018-2020 (in millions $)
Market Analysis
Table 8-10: Global Molecular Test Sales by Type 2021-2026 (in millions $) (Oncology, Transplant Testing, Thrombophilia SNPs, Pharmacodiagnostics, Inherited Diseases)
Table 8-11: Global Molecular Cancer Test Sales Distribution by Region, 2021 (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW)
Table 8-12: Global Pharmacodiagnostic Sales Distribution by Region, 2021 (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW)
Table 8-13: Selected Molecular Tumor Marker Test Innovations
Inherited Diseases and Thrombophilia SNPs
Psychiatric Disorders
Prenatal and Newborn Testing
The Commercial Outlook for Molecular Tests
Overview of Hematology and Trends
Digital Image Analysis
Table 9-1: CellaVision Market Share Data by Hematology Vendor
Table 11-13: Global Clinical Laboratory-Based Microbiology/Infectious Disease Immunoassay Market by Pathogen, 2021 (in $ millions) (Hepatitis, HIV, STDs, TORCH, Respiratory, HAIs/Sepsis, Parasitology, Mycology, Lyme disease, Other)
Table 11-14: Global Clinical Chemistry Laboratory-Based Microbiology/Infectious Disease Immunoassay Market Distribution (by %) by Region, 2021 (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW)
Hepatitis Testing
HIV Immunoassay Testing
Table 11-15: Selected HIV Assays
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)
Lyme Disease
Rapid Immunoassay Tests
Table 11-16: Global Rapid Immunoassay Testing Market, Sales Distribution by Pathogen, 2021 (%) (Influenza, HIV, STD, Hepatitis, Malaria, c.difficile, E.Coli, H.pylori, Home Test/OTC, Others)
Market Analysis – Molecular Microbiology
Table 11-17: Global Molecular Microbiology Sales Distribution by Region, 2021 (%) (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW)
Table 11-18: Global Molecular Microbiology Market, by Pathogen/Disease Indication, 2021-2026 (in $ millions) (HAI, HIV, Hepatitis, GC/Chlamydia, Respiratory, Organism ID, Mycobacteria/TB, Others; Blood Bank Screening)
Molecular Respiratory Infection Testing
Table 11-19: Selected Molecular Point of Care Innovations in Microbiology
Molecular Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Molecular Hepatitis Testing
Molecular HIV Testing
Table 11-20: Innovations in Molecular POC Diagnostics for HIV
Molecular Tests for Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)
Table 11-21: Frequency of the Most Common Nosocomial Infections
Clostridium Difficile
Molecular TB Testing
Limitations of Molecular Microbiology Testing
Mass Spectrometry
Table 11-22: Selected Companies Marketing Mass Spectrometers and/or Assays for the Clinical Laboratory [CE-Marked and/or 510(k) cleared]
The Future Outlook for Microbiology
Table 12-1: History of Blood Testing
The Current Status of Global Blood Collection
Table 12-2: Distribution of Blood Units Collected, 2011-2013 (United States, United Kingdom, India, Japan, China, Canada, ROW, World Total)
Global Blood Safety
Table 12-3: Laboratory Screening of Blood Donations for Transfusion-Transmissible Infections, Number of Countries (Syphilis, HCV, HBV, HIV, Chagas, Malaria, HTLV I/II)
Table 12-4: Prevalence of TTIs in Blood Donations [Median (Interquartile range)], by Income Group
Zika Virus
Blood and Component Collection
Table 12-5: Blood Component Usage for Selected Conditions
Table 12-6: Red Blood Cell and Platelet Use by Hospital Services (%)
Reevaluating Blood Transfusions
Table 12-7: Impact of Alloimmunization (% of Patients Screening Positive for One or More Antibodies)
Blood Typing and Grouping Market
Manual Blood Typing Methods
Automated Blood Typing and Screening Methods
Molecular Methods
Reducing Blood Typing Errors
Table 12-8: Selected Blood Typing and Grouping Innovations
Size and Growth of Typing Markets
Table 12-9: Global Blood Typing Market, 2021-2026 (Typing) (in $ millions)
Blood Typing Market by Geography
Table 12-10: Global Blood Typing Sales Distribution by Region, 2021 (%) (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW)
Blood Testing Market
Table 12-11: Selected Blood Testing Innovations
Preventing Bacterial Infections
Nucleic Acid Testing (NAT)
Size and Growth of the Market
Table 12-12: Global Blood Banking Diagnostics Market, 2021-2026 (Immunoassay Screen, NAT Screens) (in $ millions)
Blood Testing Market by Geography
Table 12-13: Global Blood Testing Market by Geography, 2021 (%) (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW)
Table 12-14: Global Blood Testing Market by Country, 2021 (%) (United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Japan, China, Latin America)
The Commercial Outlook for Blood Banking Testing
Special Topics
Histology Automation
Table 13-1: Selected Histology Lab Automation
Table 13-2: Histology Information Technology Tools