Tag Archive for: IVD

IVD in India: Growing, Aging Population Impacts Healthcare

India, which is expected to surpass China as the most populous country in the world by 2023, has a growing $1,482 million ($1.5 billion) in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry that is forecast to increase through 2026, as reported by Kalorama Information in the new medical market research study, In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) in India. The […]

106 Billion IVD Procedures and Counting

“Medical market researcher Kalorama Information forecasts exponential growth in both in vitro diagnostics (IVD) procedures and sales between 2021 and 2026.”   The global in vitro diagnostics (IVD) procedures market continues to grow off momentum originating at the height of the pandemic and lingering on today. There are currently 106,624 million (106 billion) in vitro […]

COVID-19 and 6 Other Trends Impacting the In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Market

  “In many ways, the IVD testing market is center stage for the fight against the coronavirus…The COVID-19 market continues to play a major role in the growth of the IVD market with tests for the virus representing 27% of sales in 2021.” – Kalorama Information   Make no mistake, the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) […]

Cancer IVD: 4 Trends to Watch in $5.5 Billion Market

  Whether affecting the lungs, colorectal system, stomach, liver, breasts, or other parts of the body, few medical maladies carry the inherent gravitas of cancer. Annually, millions of new cancer cases are diagnosed and millions of cancer linked deaths occur worldwide.  Undoubtedly, cancer poses one of the greatest threats to human health globally. This proliferating […]

POC Testing Joins “War” on COVID-19 with 45-Minute Cepheid Test

We projected in Kalorama’s  mPOC market study that molecular point of care ( mPOC ) would lead the fight in meeting the demand for COVID-19 testing with accurate and fast results.   Lab staff is at a premium, hospitals are taxed, and testing needs to happen where it can be useful to isolate patients.  We suggested that […]

Thermo Fisher set to acquire Qiagen after all in $11.5B deal

Courtesy of LabPulse.com March 3, 2020 — After an on-and-off courtship, Thermo Fisher Scientific announced it is set to acquire Qiagen in a deal worth $11.5 billion. The transaction will give Thermo Fisher access to Qiagen’s molecular diagnostics expertise and potentially lead to faster development of diagnostic tests. The deal values Qiagen at 39 euros ($44) per […]