The market for diabetes care products covers the spectrum of clinical medicine, including diagnostics, biologics, and drugs. Several areas have strong growth potential and others, such as drugs to treat complications, represent large underserved markets for drugs primarily marketed to other populations. Segmentation of patient populations in novel ways, such as diabetic candidates for cardiovascular drugs, presents an excellent opportunity to expand markets and influence prescription practices in some markets.
Scope and Methodology
In addition to epidemiology of diabetes Type 1 and Type 2 in Germany, this market summary will examine the top line market numbers in each of the following segments in Germany, covering the period from 1999 and projected through 2007:
- Monitoring—including glucose, ketone, and microalbumin;
- Therapeutics—including insulin and oral hypoglycemics; and
- Drugs to treat complications in the diabetic population—including antihypertensives, lipid-lowering drugs, antiarrhythmics, and peripheral vascular disease drugs.
Data for this report were primarily gathered through interviewing with industry participants and members of industry organizations, government, and the clinical medical profession. In addition, exhaustive searches of trade and clinical literature and market modeling based on epidemiology provided context and validation of market assumptions.