The maturation of in vitro diagnostic (IVD) markets in developed countries has IVD companies casting their nets in developing countries where rising incomes and standards of living are anticipated to spark a new, health-consciousness population with growing demands for quality medical care. Latin America (LATAM) is a key target for IVD manufacturers. This report, The Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests in Latin America, focuses on the market for reagents and instruments in the major countries of the continent.
The Total LATAM Market
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela are singled out for a deeper level of analysis. The countries of Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, and Uruguay are also considered, to provide a complete overview of the region. The report includes the following total market information:
- IVD Market in Latin America, 2018-2023
- Latin America IVD Market by Country (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Other LATAM), 2018-2023
- Average Growth of Latin America IVD Market by Country (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Other LATAM), 2018 to 2023
- Health Spending as a Percent of GDP by LATAM Country, 2018 (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay)
Assessment of Markets by Country
As previously noted, the report takes a deep dive into the IVD markets of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela. This analysis includes the following data points for each country:
- IVD Market by Sector, 2018-2023 (General Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry) in $US thousands
- IVD Market Distribution by Sector (%; General Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018
- Average Growth of IVD Markets (CAGR 2018 to 2023), % (Clinical General Chemistry, Critical Care – Rapid, Urine Tests, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking (Inf. Dis.Scr + Imm.Typ.), Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology (IHC, ISH, FISH), Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry)
- Clinical Chemistry Market by Segment (general chemistries, critical care, urinalysis), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Immunoassay Market by Segment (infectious disease, cardiac markers, other diseases, blood bank screening), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Microbiology Market by Segment (ID/AST, molecular, nucleic acid tests), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- POC Market by Segment (glucose, other), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Histology Market, by Segment (primary, advanced) Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Hematology Market, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Coagulation Market, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Flow Cytometry Market, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
Competitive Landscape
Population growth, government insurance, newly insured patients and updated healthcare facilities will drive growth in the IVD Market in Latin America, attracting the major players in the IVD industry. Roche currently holds the largest percentage of the IVD market in Latin America, with the top five companies participating in the market making up over 60% of the market. The Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests in Latin America presents market share of leading players:
- IVD Market Share in Latin America, by Company (%), 2018
- Latin American Market Leaders in Selected Segments (Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays, Immunoassays Microbiology, Microbiology, Molecular Infectious Disease, Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry)
Further, the report provides market participant share by country for Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela by the following IVD market segments:
- Clinical Chemistry Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Critical Care Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Urinalysis Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Microbiology Immunoassay Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay (non-Microbiology) Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Blood Banking Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Microbiology Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- ID/AST Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Molecular Microbiology and Nucleic Acid Test Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Glucose Testing Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Histology Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Hematology Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Coagulation Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Flow Cytometry Market, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
Market Opportunity by Country Evaluated
Since all the countries in Latin America vary in size, healthcare infrastructure and affordability, in vitro diagnostic companies need to tailor strategies for approaching each country´s market. Tailored strategies are needed for each different country and will assure success if they are conscientiously planned. The report evaluates the market environments in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela, assessing the strength of the market opportunity based on the following factors:
- Population Size
- Aging Population Size
- Aging Population Growth
- Diabetes Prevalence Rate
- Poverty Rate
- Inflation Rate
- GDP Spending on Health
- IVD Market Size
- IVD Market Growth Rate
- Competitive Intensity
- Political/Economic Stability
- Technology Demand
- Regulatory System Process
Research was carried out during 4Q 2018. Final 2018 revenues were not available for most companies at publication time of report. Final numbers were adjusted for 2018 totals estimated from 3Q results. Market share is estimated, based on a combination of 2017 results, performance YTD 2018, examination of report market events and interviews.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
- Overview
- Table Population and GDP in Seven Leading IVD Latin American Countries
- Size of the Market and Growth
- Table IVD Market in Latin America, 2018-2023
- Latin American IVD Market by Country
- Table Latin America IVD Market by Country (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Other LATAM), % 2018
- Growth of IVD Market in Latin America by Country, 2018 to 2023
- Table Average Growth of Latin America IVD Market by Country (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, Other LATAM), 2018 to 2023
- IVD Company Market Share in Latin America
- Table IVD Market Share in Latin America, by Company (%), 2018
- Segments Definition
- Market Leadership in IVD Segments
- Table Latin American Market Leaders in Selected Segments (Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays, Immunoassays Microbiology, Microbiology, Molecular Infectious Disease, Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry)
- Research Methodology
- Overview and Demographics
- Table Key Facts, Argentina (Population, Population Growth, Urbanization Rate, Life Expectancy, Median Age, Physician Density, Hospital Bed Density, Hospital Total, Diabetes Prevalence, Obesity Prevalence, HIV Prevalence, Deaths, Crude Death Rate, Primary Causes of Death)
- Economy and Health Funding
- History of the Healthcare System of Argentina
- Health Expenditures as Percentage of GDP
- Table Economic Profile, Argentina (GDP nominal, GDP PPP, GDP Growth, Health Spending, Inflation Rate, Poverty Rate)
- Health Overview by Sector
- Table Health Sector Coverage Distribution, Argentina
- Health Expenditure by Sector
- Table Healthcare Expenditures in Argentina (%; Public Sector, Health Security System, Private Health Companies, Out of Pocket)
- Clinical Laboratories and Blood Banks
- Clinical Laboratories
- Table Clinical Lab Test Utilization in Argentina, 2010 – 2018 (millions of tests)
- Blood Banks
- Table Argentina – Proportions (%) of Blood Donations Testing Positive or Reactive for TTI Markers
- IVD Market Analysis – Argentina
- Total Market Size
- Table Argentina IVD Market by Sector, 2018-2023 (General Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry) in $US thousands
- IVD Market in Argentina by Segment
- Table Argentina IVD Market Distribution by Sector (%; General Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018
- Table Average Growth of IVD Markets in Argentina (CAGR 2018 to 2023), %
- Clinical Chemistry Market in Argentina
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Argentina by Segment (general chemistries, critical care, urinalysis), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table General Chemistry Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Critical Care Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Urinalysis Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay Market in Argentina
- Table Immunoassay Market in Argentina by Segment (infectious disease, cardiac markers, other diseases, blood bank screening), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Immunoassay Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Microbiology Immunoassay Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Immunoassay (non-Microbiology) Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Blood Banking Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Microbiology Market in Argentina
- Table Microbiology Market in Argentina by Segment (ID/AST, molecular, nucleic acid tests), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Microbiology Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table ID/AST Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Molecular Microbiology and Nucleic Acid Test Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Market in Argentina
- Table POC Market in Argentina by Segment (glucose, other), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table POC Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table POC Glucose Testing Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Histology Market in Argentina
- Table Histology Market in Argentina, by Segment (primary, advanced) Estimate and Forecast, 2018- 2023 $US thousands
- Table Histology Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Hematology Market in Argentina
- Table Hematology Market in Argentina, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Hematology Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Coagulation Market in Argentina
- Table Coagulation Market in Argentina, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Coagulation Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Flow Cytometry Market in Argentina
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Argentina, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Market Participants
- Market Share
- Table IVD Market Share (%) by Company, Argentina, 2018
- Table IVD Market Argentina, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Overview and Demographics
- Table Key Facts, Brazil (Population, Population Growth, Urbanization Rate, Life Expectancy, Median Age, Physician Density, Hospital Bed Density, Hospital Total, Diabetes Prevalence, Obesity Prevalence, HIV Prevalence, Deaths, Crude Death Rate, Primary Causes of Death)
- Economy and Health Funding
- History of the Healthcare System of Brazil
- Table Economic Profile, Brazil (GDP nominal, GDP PPP, GDP Growth, Health Spending, Inflation Rate, Poverty Rate)
- Health Overview by Sector
- Health Expenditures as Percentage of GDP
- Medical Facilities
- Clinical Laboratories and Blood Banks
- Clinical Laboratories
- Table Laboratories and Collection Sites in Brazil by Type
- Blood Banks
- Table Brazil – Proportions of Blood Donations Testing Positive or Reactive for TTI Markers
- IVD Market Analysis – Brazil
- Total Market Size
- Table Brazil IVD Market by Sector, 2018-2023 (Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry) in $US thousands
- IVD Market in Brazil by Segment
- Table Brazil IVD Market Distribution by Sector (%; Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018
- Table Average Growth of IVD Markets in Brazil (CAGR 2018 to 2023), %
- Clinical Chemistry Market in Brazil
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Brazil by Segment (general chemistries, critical care, urinalysis), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table General Chemistry Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Critical Care Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Urinalysis Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay Market in Brazil
- Table Immunoassay Market in Brazil by Segment (infectious disease, cardiac markers, other diseases, blood bank screening), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Immunoassay Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Microbiology Immunoassay Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Immunoassay (non-Microbiology) Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Microbiology Market in Brazil
- Table Microbiology Market in Brazil by Segment (ID/AST, molecular, nucleic acid tests), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Microbiology Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Molecular Microbiology and Nucleic Acid Test Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Market in Brazil
- Table POC Market in Brazil by Segment (glucose and other), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table POC Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Glucose Testing Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Histology Market in Brazil
- Table Histology Market in Brazil, by Segment (primary, advanced) Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Histology Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Hematology Market in Brazil
- Table Hematology Market in Brazil, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Hematology Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Coagulation Market in Brazil
- Table Coagulation Market in Brazil, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Flow Cytometry Market in Brazil
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Brazil, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Market Participants
- Market Share
- Table IVD Market Share (%) by Company, Brazil, 2018
- Table IVD Market Brazil, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Overview and Demographics
- Table Key Facts, Chile (Population, Population Growth, Urbanization Rate, Life Expectancy, Median Age, Physician Density, Hospital Bed Density, Hospital Total, Diabetes Prevalence, Obesity Prevalence, HIV Prevalence, Deaths, Crude Death Rate, Primary Causes of Death)
- Economy and Health Funding
- History of the Healthcare System of Chile
- Table Economic Profile, Chile (GDP nominal, GDP PPP, GDP Growth, Health Spending, Inflation Rate, Poverty Rate)
- Health Overview by Sector
- Table Chile Distribution of Insurance Coverage by System (FONASA, ISAPRES, Other)
- Health Expenditures as Percentage of GDP
- Clinical Laboratories and Blood Banks
- Clinical Laboratories
- Table Estimated Clinical Labs in Chile (Average Tests/Year, Number of Labs, Private Sector, Public Sector)
- Blood Banks
- Table Chile – Proportions of Blood Donations Testing Positive or Reactive for TTI Markers
- IVD Market Analysis – Chile
- Total Market Size
- Table Chile IVD Market by Sector, 2018-2023 (Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry) in $US thousands
- IVD Market in Chile by Segment
- Table Chile IVD Market Distribution by Sector (%; Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018
- Table Average Growth of IVD Markets in Chile (CAGR 2018 to 2023), %
- Clinical Chemistry Market in Chile
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Chile by Segment (general chemistries, critical care, urinalysis), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Urinalysis Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay Market in Chile
- Table Immunoassay Market in Chile by Segment (infectious disease, cardiac markers, other diseases, blood bank screening), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Immunoassay Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Microbiology Immunoassay Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Immunoassay (non-Microbiology) Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Cardiac Marker (non-POC) Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Blood Banking Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Focus on Chilean Microbiology Segment Tests per Year (Total, Bacteria and Fungi, Parasite, Virus)
- Table Microbiology Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Molecular Microbiology and Nucleic Acid Test Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Market in Chile
- Table POC Market in Chile by Segment (glucose, other), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table POC Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Glucose Testing Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Histology Market in Chile, by Segment (primary, advanced) Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Histology Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Hematology Market in Chile
- Table Hematology Market in Chile, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Hematology Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Coagulation Market in Chile
- Table Coagulation Market in Chile, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Coagulation Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Flow Cytometry Market in Chile
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Chile, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Market Participants
- Market Share
- Table IVD Market Share (%) by Company, Chile, 2018
- Table IVD Market Chile, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Overview and Demographics
- Table Key Facts, Colombia (Population, Population Growth, Urbanization Rate, Life Expectancy, Median Age, Physician Density, Hospital Bed Density, Hospital Total, Diabetes Prevalence, Obesity Prevalence, HIV Prevalence, Deaths, Crude Death Rate, Primary Causes of Death)
- Economy and Health Funding
- History of the Healthcare System of Colombia
- Table Economic Profile, Colombia (GDP nominal, GDP PPP, GDP Growth, Health Spending, Inflation Rate, Poverty Rate)
- Health Overview by Sector
- Health Expenditures as Percentage of GDP
- Health Expenditure by Sector
- Clinical Laboratories and Blood Banks
- Clinical Laboratories
- Table Classification of Laboratories by Test Complexity
- Blood Banks
- Table Colombia – Proportions of Blood Donations Testing Positive or Reactive for TTI Markers
- IVD Market Analysis – Colombia
- Total Market Size
- Table Colombia IVD Market by Sector, 2018-2023 (Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry) in $US thousands
- IVD Market in Colombia by Segment
- Table Colombia IVD Market Distribution by Sector (%; Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018
- Table Average Growth of IVD Markets in Colombia (CAGR 2018 to 2023), %
- Clinical Chemistry Market in Colombia
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Colombia by Segment (general chemistries, urinalysis), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Urinalysis Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay Market in Colombia
- Table Immunoassay Market in Colombia by Segment (infectious disease, cardiac markers, other diseases, blood bank screening), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Immunoassay Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Immunoassay Microbiology Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Immunoassay (non-Microbiology) Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Blood Banking Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Microbiology Market in Colombia
- Table Microbiology Market in Colombia by Segment (ID/AST, molecular, nucleic acid tests), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Microbiology Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Molecular Microbiology and Nucleic Acid Test Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Market in Colombia
- Table POC Market in Colombia by Segment (glucose, other), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table POC Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Histology Market in Colombia
- Table Histology Market in Colombia, by Segment (primary, advanced) Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Hematology Market in Colombia
- Table Hematology Market in Colombia, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Hematology Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Coagulation Market in Colombia
- Table Coagulation Market in Colombia, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Coagulation Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Flow Cytometry Market in Colombia
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Colombia, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Market Participants
- Market Share
- Table IVD Market Share (%) by Company, Colombia, 2018
- Table IVD Market Colombia, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Overview and Demographics
- Table Key Facts, Mexico (Population, Population Growth, Urbanization Rate, Life Expectancy, Median Age, Physician Density, Hospital Bed Density, Hospital Total, Diabetes Prevalence, Obesity Prevalence, HIV Prevalence, Deaths, Crude Death Rate, Primary Causes of Death)
- Economy and Health Funding
- History of the Healthcare System of Mexico
- Table Economic Profile, Mexico (GDP nominal, GDP PPP, GDP Growth, Health Spending, Inflation Rate, Poverty Rate)
- Health Overview by Sector
- Health Expenditures as Percentage of GDP
- Clinical Laboratories and Blood Banks
- Clinical Laboratories
- Table Laboratories and Collection Sites in Mexico by Type
- Blood Banks
- Table Mexico – Proportions of Blood Donations Testing Positive or Reactive for TTI Markers
- IVD Market Analysis – Mexico
- Total Market Size
- Table Mexico IVD Market Distribution by Sector, 2018-2023 (Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry) in $US thousands
- IVD Market in Mexico by Segment
- Table Mexico IVD Market Distribution by Sector (%; Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018
- Table Average Growth of IVD Markets in Mexico (CAGR 2018 to 2023), %
- Clinical Chemistry Market in Mexico
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Mexico by Segment (general chemistries, urinalysis), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Urinalysis Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay Market in Mexico
- Table Immunoassay Market in Mexico by Segment (infectious disease, cardiac markers, other diseases, blood bank screening), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Immunoassay Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Microbiology Market in Mexico
- Table Microbiology Market in Mexico by Segment (ID/AST, molecular, nucleic acid tests), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Microbiology Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Molecular Microbiology and Nucleic Acid Test Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Market in Mexico
- Table POC Market in Mexico by Segment (glucose, other), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table POC Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Histology Market in Mexico
- Table Histology Market in Mexico, by Segment (primary, advanced) Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Hematology Market in Mexico
- Table Hematology Market in Mexico, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Hematology Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Coagulation Market in Mexico
- Table Coagulation Market in Mexico, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Coagulation Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Flow Cytometry Market in Mexico
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Mexico, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Market Participants
- Market Share
- Table IVD Market Share (%) by Company, Mexico, 2018
- Table IVD Market Mexico, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Overview and Demographics
- Table Key Facts, Peru (Population, Population Growth, Urbanization Rate, Life Expectancy, Median Age, Physician Density, Hospital Bed Density, Hospital Total, Diabetes Prevalence, Obesity Prevalence, HIV Prevalence, Deaths, Crude Death Rate, Primary Causes of Death)
- Economy and Health Funding
- History of the Healthcare System of Peru
- Table Economic Profile, Peru (GDP nominal, GDP PPP, GDP Growth, Health Spending, Inflation Rate, Poverty Rate)
- Health Overview by Sector
- Table Healthcare Coverage in Peru by Sector (SIS, EsSalud, FFAA/PNP, Private)
- Health Expenditures as Percentage of GDP
- Clinical Laboratories and Blood Banks
- Clinical Laboratories
- Blood Banks
- Table Peru – Proportions of Blood Donations Testing Positive or Reactive for TTI Markers
- IVD Market Analysis – Peru
- Total Market Size
- Table Peru IVD Market by Sector, 2018-2023 (Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry) in $US thousands
- IVD Market in Peru by Segment
- Table Peru IVD Market Distribution by Sector (%; Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018
- Table Average Growth of IVD Markets in Peru (CAGR 2018 to 2023) %
- Clinical Chemistry Market in Peru
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Peru by Segment (general chemistries, critical care, urinalysis), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Urinalysis Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay Market in Peru
- Table Immunoassay Market in Peru by Segment (infectious disease, cardiac markers, tumor markers, other diseases, blood bank screening), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Immunoassay Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Immunoassay Microbiology Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Immunoassay (non-Microbiology) Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Blood Banking Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Microbiology Market in Peru
- Table Microbiology Market in Peru by Segment (ID/AST, molecular, nucleic acid tests), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Microbiology Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Molecular Microbiology and Nucleic Acid Test Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Market in Peru
- Table POC Market in Peru by Segment (glucose, other), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table POC Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Histology Market in Peru
- Table Histology Market in Peru, by Segment (primary, advanced) Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Histology Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Hematology Market in Peru
- Table Hematology Market in Peru, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Hematology Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Coagulation Market in Peru
- Table Coagulation Market in Peru, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Coagulation Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Flow Cytometry Market in Peru
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Peru, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Market Participants
- Market Share
- Table IVD Market Share (%) by Company, Peru, 2018
- Table IVD Market Peru, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Overview and Demographics
- Table Key Facts, Venezuela (Population, Population Growth, Urbanization Rate, Life Expectancy, Median Age, Hospital Bed Density, Hospital Total, Diabetes Prevalence, Obesity Prevalence, HIV Prevalence, Deaths, Crude Death Rate, Primary Causes of Death)
- Economy and Health Funding
- History of the Healthcare System of Venezuela
- Table Economic Profile, Venezuela (GDP nominal, GDP PPP, GDP Growth, Health Spending, Inflation Rate, Poverty Rate)
- Health Overview by Sector
- Table Healthcare Expenditures in Venezuela (Public Sector, Private Health Companies/Private Citizens)
- Health Expenditures as Percentage of GDP
- Clinical Laboratories and Blood Banks
- Clinical Laboratories
- Blood Banks
- Table Venezuela – Proportions of Blood Donations Testing Positive or Reactive for TTI Markers
- IVD Market Analysis – Venezuela
- Total Market Size
- Table Venezuela IVD Market Distribution by Sector, 2018-2023 (Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018-2023 in $US thousands
- IVD Market in Venezuela by Segment
- Table Venezuela IVD Market Distribution by Sector (%; Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Micro, Immunoassays Non-Micro, Blood Banking, Microbiology, Molecular Microbiology, Nucleic Acid Tests, POC Glucose Testing, Other POC, Primary Histology, Advanced Histology, Hematology, Coagulation, Flow Cytometry), 2018
- Table Average Growth of IVD Markets in Venezuela (CAGR 2018 to 2023) %
- Clinical Chemistry Market in Venezuela
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Venezuela by Segment (general chemistries, critical care, urinalysis), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Clinical Chemistry Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Urinalysis Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Immunoassay Market in Venezuela
- Table Immunoassay Market in Venezuela by Segment (infectious disease, cardiac markers, other diseases, blood bank screening), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Immunoassay Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Immunoassay Microbiology Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Microbiology Market in Venezuela
- Table Microbiology Market in Venezuela by Segment (ID/AST, molecular, nucleic acid tests), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Microbiology Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Table Molecular Microbiology and Nucleic Acid Test Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- POC Market in Venezuela
- Table POC Market in Venezuela by Segment (glucose, other), Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table POC Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Histology Market in Venezuela
- Table Histology Market in Venezuela, by Segment (primary, advanced) Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Hematology Market in Venezuela
- Table Hematology Market in Venezuela, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Hematology Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Coagulation Market in Venezuela
- Table Coagulation Market in Venezuela, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Coagulation Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Flow Cytometry Market in Venezuela
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Venezuela, Estimate and Forecast, 2018-2023 $US thousands
- Table Flow Cytometry Market in Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Market Participants
- Market Share
- Table IVD Market Share (%) by Company, Venezuela, 2018
- Table IVD Market Venezuela, Market Participant Share (%), 2018
- Conclusions and Recommendations
Latin America IVD Market Summary
- Demographic Overview
- Table Demographics in Select Latin American Countries, 2018
- Table Population Comparison, Select Latin American Countries, 2018 (population in millions)
- Table Population Growth, Select Latin American Countries, 2017-2018 (%)
- Table Aging Population as a % of Total Population, Select Latin American Countries, 2018 (%)
- Table Life Expectancy at Birth by LATAM Country (Average 76 Years), 2018 (years)
- Table Leading Causes of Death by Country, LATAM 2018
- Brief Economic Overview
- GDP in the Latin American Region
- Table GDP in Select Latin American Countries
- Table GDP Comparison, Select Latin American Countries, 2017 (billions USD)
- Table GDP per Capita, Select Latin American Countries, 2017 (USD)
- Health Expenditure in Latin America
- Table Health Spending as a Percent of GDP by LATAM Country, 2018
- IVD Spending per Capita
- The IVD Market in Latin America
- Table IVD in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela) 2018-2023 in $US thousands
- Table IVD in Latin America by Country, 2018-2023
- IVD Market Participation in Latin America
- Table IVD Market Share (%) by Participant, LATAM, 2018
- Conclusions, Recommendations and Assessment of Markets by Country
- Table IVD Assessment of Markets by LATAM Country, 2018-2023
- Table IVD Market Assessment by LATAM Country, 2018-2023