The Latest Developments in HIV Diagnostic Testing

HIV remains a deadly disease, but fortunately, in vitro diagnostic solutions abound for its detection and progress-tracking of treatments.  In this article, we chronicle the developments in HIV IVD – more information can be found in our Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostics Tests, 11th Edition: Many of the 35.3 million people infected with HIV worldwide […]

Where Clinical Sequencing Is Now

It has been little more than a year since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first next generation sequencing (NGS) test for clinical use, and only a few months since the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced it would provide national coverage for NGS tests for advanced cancer patients. […]

Tick-Borne Tests See Demand

When Columbia University posted a press release in February 2018 about a promising new proof-of-concept study of the Tick-Borne Disease Serochip (TBD Serochip), the press office soon had to amend the announcement with an update for the public: no, the test is not available yet; no, you can’t enroll in a clinical trial or send specimens; and no, they […]

2019 Biotech Showcase Developments of Note, with a Particular IVD Focus

From a credit card-sized clinical chemistry system to a spectrometry-based monoclonal measurement system, to phages that eat harmful bacteria, there are some interesting developments at the upcoming Biotech Showcase meeting that the Kalorama team is excited about that could directly or indirectly impact the clinical diagnostics markets. “JPM Week” will begin next week in San […]

#BIOMEDevice2018: Kalorama Presents IVD Findings, Sums Up Best Opportunities in Testing, Biosensors and AI Discussed

BIOMEDevice meeting in San Jose, CA completed its first day yesterday, with hundreds of medtech companies in attendance and exhibiting products ranging from tubing, to sensors display systems, IVD tests, plastic casing and intricate components.  Kalorama presented the keynote speech at the meeting: ‘IVD: Fast Growth, Market Opportunities, New Products and Disruptive Trends’   We identified […]

13 Interesting Developments at #MEDICA2018

MEDICA comes to a close in Dusseldorf, Germany, but not without some interesting developments…more than a few of which could upend healthcare. The MEDICA and related COMPAMED event is one of the oldest and arguably the largest medical trade fair in the world – it attracted more than 5,100 exhibitors from 70 countries in 17 […]

5 Fast Facts About Retail Clinics from Kalorama Information’s Latest Report

Retail clinics, small clinics usually staffed by a nurse practitioner or physician assistant, offer competitive hours and convenience to clients, and a great bonus for retailers. But how are they faring? Kalorama’s report “Retail Clinics 2019 Forecast: Locations, Revenues, Supplier Sales, Trends, Consumer Survey” notes the following:  They’re Growing Locations and Revenues: By the end […]

Artificial Intelligence, One Day, Could Keep The Doctor Away

You wake up with an angry stomach, but this time it’s got nothing to do with that questionable leftover poké dish you’d kept in the fridge for a week. No, there’s more to this, but is it enough to put everything on hold to call a doctor and potentially wait all day, missing work, just […]

Smartphones and IVD: Early, But Getting There

The current developments, product launches and company plans in IVD testing on smartphone platforms has been detailed by Kalorama Information in a recent report by Kalorama’s Rob Camp: We summarize some of the findings of our study here.  This represents a fraction of the findings of the report: The techniques that can most successfully harness […]

CVS-Aetna Merger and Walgreens-LabCorp Partnership: Assessing The Impact

In separate moves, the two largest pharmacy retailers dramatically changed their businesses. CVS merged with healthcare insurance giant Aetna. But Walgreens also had news – the drugstore giant merged with clinical reference company LabCorp to put an announced 600 consumer testing stations in its retail stores. Both are a good sign for the market for […]