Tag Archive for: Artificial intelligence

IVD Trends to Watch: Artificial intelligence (AI) Use in U.S. Liquid Biopsy Market

In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, staying ahead in the field of in vitro diagnostics (IVD) is more crucial than ever. This blog delves into key insights from Kalorama Information’s latest market research report, In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) in the United States: Comprehensive Market Overview 2024-2029. As the fifth installment in Kalorama’s North American IVD […]

IVD Trends to Watch: AI and the Future of Digital Pathology

Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing at a fast pace due to the adoption of AI-based technologies. There is a move toward connected health, which includes AI. AI has proved to be an invaluable tool in assisting physicians in caring for their patients. The advanced capabilities of algorithms are serving to reduce workloads and provide testing […]

The Wide-Reaching Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

This blog is based on the August 2023 market research report The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests, 16th Edition, now on sale from Kalorama Information Artificial intelligence systems, which simulate human intelligence by learning, reasoning, and self-correction, have the potential to be more accurate than doctors at making diagnoses and performing surgical interventions.  […]

COVID-19 and 6 Other Trends Impacting the In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Market

  “In many ways, the IVD testing market is center stage for the fight against the coronavirus…The COVID-19 market continues to play a major role in the growth of the IVD market with tests for the virus representing 27% of sales in 2021.” – Kalorama Information   Make no mistake, the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) […]