The current population of India is 1.065 billion, and with a growth rate of 1.7%, India will surpass China to become the world’s largest country around 2030. For diagnostic manufacturers, this enormous market is just now being recognized as a high-growth area as the pace of economic growth in India accelerates and modern laboratory practices become established.
This comprehensive report on the market for clinical in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests in India covers both reagent and instrumentation markets for the following IVD sectors:
- Routine Chemistry
- Critical Care Chemistry
- Hematology
- Urinalysis
- Coagulation
- Immunochemistry
- Molecular Testing
The report details all the critical market data in each segment, including:
- Current size of the reagents by subsegment
- Current size of the instrumentation markets by subsegment
- Number of units and tests by type
- Average cost per test by type
- Market share of the major reagent suppliers
- Number and types of labs in operation
- Installed base market share of the various instruments
- Growth rates and trends since 1999
The report also provides an overview of the Indian economy as a whole and the structure of the healthcare system in particular. In addition, profiles of 16 major international and 15 domestic manufacturers and 32 major distributors contain local contact information, local staff size, product offerings, and marketing and distribution representation relationships.
This study is the result of on-the-ground primary research by the well-known Seattle-based team of McEvoy & Farmer. Although the focus is on what is happening now, the report provides historical background from McEvoy & Farmer’s 10 years of studying IVD markets in Asia and particularly India and China.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Introduction and Summary
- Overview of India
- The Health Sector
- Insurance
- Laboratories
- Reagent Rental
- Segmentation
- The Association of Diagnostic Manufacturers of India
- Market Summary
- Growth
- Market Size
- Exhibit 1: Market Summary: Clinical Diagnostics in India Estimated
- Revenues by Sector 2006
- Exhibit 2: Market Summary: Growth in the Market for Clinical
- Diagnostics in India 1996-2006
- A Note on Currency
Chapter Two: Routine Chemistry
- Market Totals
- Exhibit 3: Routine Chemistry Reagent Market Number of Tests, Price, and
- Market Value by Type (Automated Purchased, Automated Rented, Semi-Auto/Manual) 2006
- Exhibit 4: Routine Chemistry Instrument Market Units Rented, Units Sold,
- Average Unit Price, and Market Value by Type (Auto >1,000/hr,
- Auto 400 to 1,000/hr, Auto <400/hr, Semi-Auto) 2006
- Exhibit 5: Approximate Number of Labs by Level of Chemistry Automation (Automated, Semi-Automated, and Manual) 2001, 2004, 2006
- Exhibit 6: Estimated Chemistry Workload (Specimens per Day, Tests per
- Specimen, and Tests per Year) by Level of Automation (Large
- Automated, Other Automated, Semi-Automated, and Manual) 2006
- Exhibit 7: Growth in the Installed Base of Automated Chemistry Analyzers 1999-2006
- Exhibit 8: Percent Distribution of the Installed Base of Automated Chemistry Analyzers by Level of Throughput 2006
- Instrument Market Shares
- Automated Chemistry Instrumentation
- Exhibit 9: Automated Chemistry Instrument Installed Base Market Share by
- Leading Supplier 2006
- High-Volume Automated Chemistry Instrumentation
- Exhibit 10: High-Volume Automated Chemistry Instrument (>1,000 tests/hr) Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Mid-Range Automated Chemistry
- Exhibit 11: Mid-Range Automated Chemistry Instrument (400-1,000 tests/hr) Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Small Automated Systems
- Exhibit 12: Small Automated Chemistry Instrument (<400 tests/hr) Installed
- Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Reagent Market Shares
- Exhibit 13: Routine Chemistry Reagents Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
Chapter Three: Critical Care Chemistry
- Market Totals
- Exhibit 14: Critical Care Chemistry Reagent Market Number of Tests, Price, and Market Value by Type (Blood Gas, Sodium/Potassium, Chloride, Other Electrolytes) 2006
- Exhibit 15: Critical Care Chemistry Instrument Market Units Rented, Units
- Sold, Average Unit Price, and Market Value by Type (Combination, Blood Gas, ISE Electrolytes, Flames) 2006
- Instrument Market Shares
- Exhibit 16: Combination Blood Gas Instrumentation Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Blood Gas Instrumentation
- Exhibit 17: Blood Gas Instrumentation Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Electrolyte Instrumentation
- Exhibit 18: Electrolyte Instrumentation Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Reagent Market Shares
- Blood Gasƒn
- Exhibit 19: Blood Gas Reagent Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Electrolyteƒn
- Exhibit 20: Electrolyte Reagent Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
Chapter Four: Hematology
- Market Totals
- Exhibit 21: Hematology Reagent Market Number of Specimens, Price, and
- Market Value by Type (5-Part Diff CBC, 3-Part Diff CBC, Semi-Automated, Manual) 2006
- Exhibit 22: Hematology Instrument Market Units Rented, Units Sold, Average
- Unit Price, and Market Value by Type (5-Part Diff Systems, 3-Part
- Diff Systems, Semi-Automated Systems) 2006
- Exhibit 23: Approximate Number of Labs by Level of Chemistry Automation (Automated vs Semi-Automated/Manual) 2001, 2004, 2006
- Exhibit 24: Estimated Hematology Workload (Specimens per Day and
- Specimens per Year) by Level of Automation (Large Automated,
- Other Automated, Semi-Automated, and Manual) 2006
- Exhibit 25: Growth in the Installed Base of Automated Cell Counters 1999-2006
- Exhibit 26: Percent Distribution of the Installed Base of Hematology Analyzers by Type (5-Part vs 3-Part Differential) 2006
- Instrument Market Shares
- Total Hematology Instrumentation
- Exhibit 27: Hematology Instrument Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- 3-Part Differential Instruments
- Exhibit 28: 3-Part Differential Hematology Instrument Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- 5-Part Differential Instruments
- Exhibit 29: 5-Part Differential Hematology Instrument Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Reagents Market Share
- Exhibit 30: Hematology Reagent Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Instruments
Chapter Five: Urinalysis
- Market Totals
- Exhibit 31: Urinalysis Strips Market Number of Strips, Price, and Market Value by Type (7-11 Test Strips, 2 Test Strips) 2006
- Exhibit 32: Urinalysis Systems Market Units Rented, Units Sold, Average
- Unit Price, and Market Value by Type (Large Instruments, Small Instruments) 2006
- Instrument Market Shares
- Exhibit 33: Urinalysis Instrument Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Urinalysis Strips Market Share
- Exhibit 34: Urinalysis Strip Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
Chapter Six: Coagulation
- Market Totals
- Exhibit 35: Coagulation Reagent Market Number of Tests, Price, and Market
- Value by Type (PT, APTT, Fibrinogen, Other) 2006
- Exhibit 36: Coagulation Instrument Market Units Rented, Units Sold, Average
- Unit Price, and Market Value by Type (Automated vs Semi-Automated/Manual) 2006
- Exhibit 37: Percent Distribution of the Installed Base of Hematology Analyzers
- by Type (Automated vs Semi-Automated/Manual) 2006
- Instrument Market Shares
- Total Market
- Exhibit 38: Coagulation Instrument Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Automated Coagulation Instruments
- Exhibit 39: Automated Coagulation Instrument Installed Base Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Semi-Automated/Manual Coagulation Instruments
- Exhibit 40: Semi-Automated/Manual Coagulation Instrument Installed Base
- Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Reagent Market Shares
- Exhibit 41: Coagulation Reagents Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Point of Care Coagulation Testing
Chapter Seven: Immunochemistry
- Market Totals
- Exhibit 42: Immunochemistry Reagent Market by Test Type (Radioimmunoassay [RIA] vs Non-Isotopic) and Analyte Type (Blood Screening, Infectious Diseases, Hormones, Tumors, Proteins, Therapeutic Drugs, Cardiac, Autoimmune, Allergy, Tuberculosis, HbA1c) 2006
- Exhibit 43: Immunochemistry Instrument Sales 2006
- Exhibit 44: Growth in the Installed Base of Closed Immunochemistry Analyzers 1999-2006
- Reagent Market Shares
- Exhibit 45: Non-Isotopic Immunochemistry Reagent Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Instrument Market Shares
- Exhibit 46: Non-Isotopic Immunochemistry Instrument Installed Base Market
- Share by Leading Supplier 2006
Chapter Eight: Molecular Testing
- Market Totals
- Exhibit 47: Molecular Reagent Market by Test Type (Traditional vs Kinetic [QPCR]) and Analyte Type (Infectious Diseases vs Other) 2006
- Exhibit 48: Molecular Testing Instruments Market Units Sold, Units Rented, Average Price, and Market Value by Type (End Point vs Kinetic) 2006
- Exhibit 49: Distribution of the Molecular Reagent by Type of Test (Kinetic vs Traditional) and Type of Reagent (Sample Prep, Primers and Probes, Gels and Markers) 2006
- Exhibit 50: Approximate Pricing of Selected Molecular Reagents (HBV/TB, HIV/HCV) by Testing Type (Traditional vs Kinetic)
- Molecular Testing Market Shares
- Exhibit 51: Molecular Testing Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
Chapter Nine: International Manufacturer Profiles
- Abbott
- Audit Diagnostics
- Bayer
- BD Diagnostics
- Beckman Coulter
- bioMerieux
- Bio-Rad
- Biosystems
- Dade Behring
- Logotech
- Merck
- Nova
- Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
- Randox
- Roche
Chapter Ten: Domestic Manufacturer Profiles
- Accurex Biomedical
- Agappe Diagnostics
- Arun & Company
- Bhat Bio-Tech
- Diagnova / Ranbaxy Laboratories
- J Mitra
- Monozyme
- Rashmi Diagnostics
- Span Diagnostics
- Systronics
- Transasia Bio-Medicals
- Transasia Bio-Medicals
- Tulip Group
- Xcyton Diagnostics
Chapter Eleven: Distributor Profiles
- Anand Brothers / AB Diachem Systems
- Analytical Automation
- Ark Diagnostics
- Biotron Healthcare
- Compact Diagnostics
- CPC Pharmaceuticals
- Ezra Brothers
- Genetix Biotech Asia
- Gentech Diagnostics
- Godrej Industries
- H. D. Consortium
- Immunoshop
- Imperial Bio-Medics
- I. R. Technology Services
- J. H. Bio Innovations
- Kopran
- Krishgen Biosystems
- Lilac
- Medsource Ozone Biomedicals
- Nicholas Piramal
- OSB Agencies
- Priman Instruments
- Professional Biotech
- Rapid Diagnostic
- Spectral Diagnostics
- Spectrum Medical Industries
- Suyog Diagnostics
- Trivitron
- Unison Bio-Med
- Wheecon
- Wipro Healthscience
- Zydus Cadila