There is an important development occuring in the dental implant industry; one that opens up the procedure to new patients and provides new revenue opportunities. Dental implant systems are fast becoming the preferred restoration for replacement of missing or extracted teeth or as as supports for dentures, crowns and bridges. But poor bone quality eliminated a number of patients.
New bone graft procedures are changing that, and have expanded the candidate pool for implants to include a sizable population of edentulous patients who were poor candidates for dental implantation due to severe bone resorption.
The market for dental implants and bone grafting represents over a 4.8 billion dollar market, which is expected to grow briskly in the future. Kalorama’s Implant-Based Dental Reconstruction: The Worldwide Dental Implant and Bone Graft Market, 2nd Edition is a complete review of the marketplace for dental implants and bone grafting. Coverage includes:
- Current Market for Bone Grafting and Dental Implants
- Revenue Forecasts For Both Segments to 2016
- Over 35 Tables and Figures with Detailed Data on this Market.
- Global Market Share for U.S., Europe, Asia/Pacific and Rest of World
- Review of New Products, Computer Aided Dentistry, Reimbursement Trends
- Possibilities for Dental Stem Cells
- Profiles of Major Companies in this Market.
Product managers, marketing directors, business development executives, as well as financial company executives are among those who will find this report a useful total analysis of this emerging market.
Companies profiled in this report include:
- Astra Tech Inc.
- Biohorizons Implant System, Inc.
- Bio-Lok International, Inc.
- Biomet, Inc. (Biomet 3i)
- Dentsply International Inc.
- Geistlich AG
- Lifecore Biomedical, Inc.
- Nobel Biocare Holding AG
- Novabone, LLC
- Osteotech, Inc
- Regeneration Technologies, Inc.
- Straumann Company
- Sybron Dental Specialties, Inc.
- Tutogen Medical, Inc.
- Zimmer Dental
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Executive Summary
- Overview
- Economics of Dentistry
- Oral Health and Older Americans
- Impact of the Aging Population on Dentistry
- Global Dental Market Environment
- Dental Implants
- The Implant Process
- Demographics Impact Implant therapy
- Shift in Dental Disease Patterns and Treatment Demands
- Periodontal Disease: Leading Cause of Edentulism
- Candidates for Implants
- Types of Dental Implant Devices
- Endosseous Implants
- Subperiosteal Implants
- Transosteal Implants
- Implant Surface Treatment Methods
- Dental Implant Applications
- Single-tooth Implant Restoration
- Multiple Tooth Restorations
- Full-mouth Restorations
- Types of Restoration Procedures
- Dental Implant and Abutment Market
- Dental Bone Graft Products and Market
- Dental Bone Grafting Materials
- Dental Bone Grafting Procedures
- Dental Bone Grafting Materials and Products
- Dental Bone Graft Products
- Recently Approved Bone Morphogenic Protein Product
- Dental Bone Graft Market
- Scope and Methodology
Chapter Two: Introduction
- Overview
- Brief History of Dentistry
- Dentistry Economics
- Dental Spending in the United States
- Major Drivers of Dental Expenditures
- Economic Trends
- Oral Health and the Older Population
- Impact of the Aging Population on Dentistry
- Oral Health Trends of 65 Years and Older Cohort
- Older Patients Present New Challenges for Dentists
- The Dental Market
- Global Market
- Regional Markets
- Dental Implants
- Overview
- Dental Implant Market Potential
- Dental Implant Applications
- Types of Dental Implant Devices
- Implant Treatment Process
- Dental Bone Grafts
- Dental Bone Regeneration Market
- Types of Bone Graft Materials
- Success Rates of Bone Regeneration
Chapter Three: Dental Implant Products Market
- Introduction
- The Development of Dental Implants: A Brief History
- Demographics, Epidemiology, and the Utilization of Implants
- Shift in Disease Patterns and Treatment Demands
- Edentulous Rates
- Factors Affecting Oral Health of Americans 65+
- Causes of Tooth Loss
- Periodontal Disease
- Types of Periodontal Disease
- Gingivitis
- Aggressive Periodontitis
- Chronic Periodontitis
- Periodontitis as a Manifestation of Systemic Diseases
- Necrotizing Periodontal Diseases
- Causes of Periodontal Disease
- Periodontal Treatment
- Candidates for Implants
- Advantages of Dental Implants
- Drawbacks of Implants
- Cost of Dental Implants
- Insurance Coverage for Implants
- Complications of Dental Implants
- Types of Dental Implant Devices
- Endosseous Implants
- Root-form Endosseous Implant
- Plate-form Endosseous Implant
- Ramus-Frame Endosseous Implant
- Subperiosteal Implants
- Transosteal Implants
- Implant Surface Treatments
- Acid-Etching
- Grit Blasting
- Hydroxyapatite-Coating
- Plasma Spraying
- Dental Implant Applications
- Single-Tooth Implant Restoration
- Multiple Tooth Restorations
- Full-Mouth Restorations
- Number of Implants and Procedures
- Evolution of Restoration Procedures and Implant Types
- Restoration Procedures
- Two-Stage Procedure
- One-Stage Procedure
- Immediate Load Procedure
- Dental Implant Market
- Implant and Abutment Market
- Major Manufacturer’s Market Share
- Companies Expanding into the Dental Implant Market
- Major Market Trends
- Implant Systems Improvements
- Availability of Documentation on Dental Implants
- The Role of General Practitioners
- Increase in Formal Training
Chapter Four: Dental Bone Augmentation, Bone Graft Products and Market
- Overview
- Basics of Bone Biology
- Osteoblasts
- Osteoclasts
- Osteocytes
- Sequence of Bone Regeneration
- Dental Bone Grafting Materials
- Autograft or Autogenous Bone Graft
- Allograft or Allogenic Bone Graft
- Xenograft or Xenogenic Bone Graft
- Alloplast or Alloplastic Bone Graft
- Growth Factor Enchancement
- Dental Bone Grafting Procedures
- Nerve Repositioning
- Onlay Grafting
- Ridge Augmentation
- Distraction Osteogenesis
- Sinus Lift
- Miscellaneous Grafting Procedures
- Dental Bone Grafting Materials and Products
- Commonly Used Dental Bone Grafting Products
- Description of Bone Graftiing Products
- Bone Morphogenic Protein Products: Recently Approved and in R&D
- InFuse Bone Graft Granted FDA Approval
- Nobel Biocare‘s Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (rhBMP-2)
- Dental Bone Graft Market
- Factors Driving the Market
- Factors Limiting the Growth of the Market
- Market Forecast
- Global Dental Bone Graft Market by Region
- Competitive Analysis Dental Bone Graft Market
Chapter Five: Trends in Implant-based Dental Reconstruction
- Education Driving Market for Dental implants
- Training in Implant Dentistry Sought by Practicing Dentists
- Computer-Aided Implantology
- Insurance Coverage for Dental Implants in U.S.
- Reimbursement Trends Changing?
- Developments in Dental Stem Cells
- On-going Dental Stem-cell Research
- Odontis Ltd.
- Dentigenix, Inc.
Chapter Six: Company Profiles
- History and Lines of Business
- Corporate Strategies
- Dental Implant Products
- Financial Information
- History and Lines of Business
- Dental Implant Products
- Internal Hex
- Maestro System.
- Overdenture System
- One Piece System
- MinerOss
- History and Lines of Business
- Dental Implant Products
- Dental Bone Augmentation Product
- Financial Information
- Biomet, Inc. (Biomet 3i)
- History and Lines of Business
- Biomet/3i Dental Implant Products
- Financial Information
- History and Lines of Business
- Dental Implant Products
- Financial Information
- Dentsply International Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Dental Implant Products
- Bone Augmentation Products
- Financial Information
- Geistlich AG
- History and Lines of Business
- Bone Augmentation Products
- Financial Information
- Lifecore Biomedical, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Corporate Strategies
- Dental Implant Products
- Bone Augmentation Products
- Financial Information
- Nobel Biocare Holding AG
- History and Lines of Business
- Dental Implant Products
- Financial Information
- Novabone, LLC
- History and Lines of Business
- Bone Augmentation Products
- Osteotech, Inc
- History and Lines of Business
- Bone Augmentation Products
- Financial Information
- Regeneration Technologies, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Bone Augmentation Products
- Financial Information
- Straumann Company
- History and Lines of Business
- Dental Implant Products
- Bone Augmentation Product
- Financial Information
- Sybron Dental Specialties, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Bone Augmentation Product
- Tutogen Medical, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Dental Bone Augmentation Products
- Puros Block Allograft
- Puros Cortical Particulate Allograft
- Puros Cancellous Particulate Allograft
- Financial Information
- Zimmer Dental
- History and Lines of Business
- Dental Implant Products
- Bone Augmentation Products
- Financial Information
Appendix B: Professional Organizations and Societies
List of Exhibits
Chapter One: Executive Summary
- Figure1-1: Dental Implant and Bone Graft Revenue, 2002-2012
- Table 1-1: Top-selling Implant Device Systems (Manufacturer, System, Description)
- Figure 1-2: Regional Shares of the World Market for Dental Implants (Europe, North America, Asia/Pacific, ROW) 2006
- Table 1-2: Selected Dental Bone Graft Products (Company, Product, Graft Material)
- Figure 1-3: Regional Shares of the World Market for Dental Bone Grafts (Europe, North America, Asia/Pacific, ROW) 2006
Chapter Two: Introduction
- Table 2-1: Dental Expenditures in the United States for Select Years 1993 to 2014
- Figure 2-1: Historical Edentulous Rates in America 1971 to 1974 Compared with 1988 to 1994 by Age Group
- Table 2-2: Market Potential for Dental Implants Potential Number of Patients by Selected Country (Germany, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, U.S.)
Chapter Three: Dental Implant Products Market
- Figure 3-1: Dental Implant Placement and Components
- Table 3-1: Prevalence of Edentulism in the Elderly Reported for Selected Countries by Age and Percent Edentulous 2000
- Table 3-2: Percent of Partial and Complete Edentulism in U.S. Patients Age 65+ Due to Tooth Decay or Gum Disease, by State
- Table 3-3: Percentage of Adults Aged 65+ Who Have Lost All of their Natural Teeth, by Selected Characteristics
- Figure 3-2: Top Reasons for Tooth Loss
- Figure 3-3: Heathy Gums versus Periodontal Disease
- Table 3-4: Implant Types and Year Developed
- Figure 3-4: Average Number of Implants Surgically placed by Type of Implant, All Dentitsts, 1990, 1996, 1999
- Figure 3-5: Average Number of Implants Surgically Placed Annually by Type of Implant, General Practioners and Specialists, 1999
- Figure 3-6: Market Potential of Dental Implant Devices in Developed World (Number of Conventionally Treated Patients, Number Treated with Dental Implants, Number of Untreated People Missing Teeth)
- Table 3-5: Penetration of Implant Devices (Implants per 10,000 /population) by Country (28 Countries)
- Table 3-6: Worldwide Dental Implant and Abutment Market 2002-2012
- Table 3-7: World Market Revenues by Region (Europe, North America, Asia/Pacific, ROW) 2006
- Figure 3-7: World Market Revenues by Region (Europe, North America, Asia/Pacific, ROW) 2006
- Figure 3-8: World Regional Markets by Percent, 2006
- Table 3-8: World Dental Implant and Abutment Market Revenues and Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Figure 3-9: World Dental Implant and Abutment Market Revenues and Market Share by Leading Supplier 2006
- Table 3-9: Top-Selling Implant Device Systems (Manufacturer, System, Description)
- Table 3-10: Companies Expanding into the Dental Implant Market (Acquisitions and Partnerships) 2004 to 2007
- Figure 3-10: Average Number of Hours Spent in Formal Implant Training by Program Type (Dental School, Hospital Residency, Specialty Training, University CE Program, Manufacturer-Sponsored Course, Privately Sponsored Course) 1997 and 2000
Chapter Four: Dental Bone Augmentation, Bone Graft Products and Market
- Table 4-1: Selected Dental Bone Graft Products (Company, Product, Graft Material)
- Table 4-2: Worldwide Dental Bone Graft Market: Revenues and Percent Increase, 2002-2012 Figure 4-1: Worldwide Dental Bone Graft Market, 2002-2012
- Table 4-3: Dental Bone Graft World Markets: by Percent and Revenues, (Europe, North America, Asia/Pacific, Rest of World) 2006 Figure 4-2: Dental Bone Graft World Markets, by Region and Percent, 2006
- Table 4-4: Dental Bone Graft Revenues and Percent Market Share of Major Manufacturers, 2006
- Figure 4-3: Dental Bone Graft Revenues and Percent Market Share of Major Manufacturers, 2006
- Table 4-5: Top Selling Dental Bone Graft Products (Manufacturer, Product, Graft Material)
Chapter Five: Trends in Implant-based Dental Reconstruction
- Figure 5-1: Average Number of Hours Spend in Formal Implant Training for Dentists Who Have Placed Implants, 1997 and 2000
- Table 5-1: CAD/CAM Manufacturers and Products