The World Market for Veterinary Diagnostics
International trade, public health, agricultural productivity, consumer confidence and companion animal-owner relationships are all dependent upon effective and increasingly specialized animal diagnostics products. In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) instrumentation and products have been extensively applied to veterinary diagnostics products in veterinary healthcare; various assay forms, analytes and analyzers are transferrable from the clinical space to the veterinary clinic and laboratory. Major veterinary diagnostic methods in mainstream healthcare – immunodiagnostics, molecular testing (including nucleic acid testing), hematology and clinical chemistry – now have standard applications in the veterinary care of companion (pets) and food animals (livestock and production animals).
The veterinary diagnostics market is best characterized preliminarily through its two primary segments: food animal (livestock and production animal) and companion animal (pets and domstic animals including horses) diagnostics. The two segments differ significantly in terms of demand drivers and primary product groups. Food animal diagnostics is lead foremost by infectious disease assays in various forms described in this report. Infectious disease is a significant component in the veterinary diagnostics, though improving standards and levels of consumer spending on companion animal care produce a much larger market for laboratory analyzers used for non-infectous disease or general health testing.
Veterinary Diagnostic Technologies and Products
Veterinary diagnostics have incorporated technologies and methods gained from human diagnostics and mainstream healthcare to develop a now full-fledged sister market that remains open to further innovation. Microfluidics, miniaturization, and information technology features supported the development and wide commercialization of point-of-care diagnostics and decentralized in vitro diagnostics devices used outside of the traditional clinical laboratory environment. The impact of these advances in veterinary diagnostics has been felt foremost in companion animal as POC and benchtop clinic analyzers permit veterinarians to perform accurate in-clinic testing, shortening the time to results and allowing direct billing for additional revenue. Food animal diagnostics remain largely confined to the labroatory due to high sensitivity requirements in notifiable animal disease testing. Industry activity related to the mareketing and demonstration of molecular POC diagnostic devices for veterinary field testing nonetheless continues to intensify with applications relating to farm biosecurity, wildlife testing, and veterinary diagnostic testing in lab resource-poor regions.
The veterinary diagnostics market includes IVD products – instruments, consumables, test reagents and test kits – for the diagnosis of disease and health conditions in household pets (primarily dogs and cats) as well as horses. Market performance is determined by veterinary diagnostics product demand from veterinary clinics, hospitals, reference labs, and governmental and research laboratories such as those found at universities and associated with government agricultural and animal health authorities. Diagnostic testing products performed by pet owners – such as pet blood glucose meters and strips, pregnancy and ovulation tests, and urinalysis strips and cups – are also included in the companion animal diagnostics market.
Global Veterinary Diagnostics Market Segments include:
- Clinical chemistry analyzer systems (instruments and consumables)
- Infectious disease immunodiagnostics (reagents, assays and test kits)
- Hematology analyzer systems (instruments and consumables for complete blood counts and differentials)
- Other analyzer systems (immunoassay readers [instrument only], critical care and POC, coagulation, urinalysis analyzer systems and consumables)
- Non-infectious disease immunodiagnostics (reagents, assays and test kits for endocrinal, digestive, autoimmune and other organ system conditions and disorders)
- Molecular diagnostics (reagents, reagent kits, test kits)
- Other testing (test-specific consumables primarily in histology and microbiology)
The veterinary diagnostics market includes primarily immunodiagnostic test kits, molecular test kits, reagents, other consumables, instruments and other supplies for disease diagnosis in livestock and production animals, commonly cattle, sheep, goats, rams, pigs, and poultry. The report scope also includes diagnostic testing on wildlife populations such as fowl, buffalo, deer, elk, moose and boar that are capable of transmitting diseases to human or food animal populations. The performance of the food animal diagnostics market is determined by the prevalence of infectious food animal diseases in a country or global region.
Major Product Segments in the Food Animal Diagnostics Industry include:
- Immunodiagnostic test kits, reagents and other supplies
- Molecular diagnostic test kits, reagents and other supplies (includes polymerase chain reaction [PCR], microarray, and genotyping kits)
- Clinical chemistry, hematology, blood gas and electrolyte analysis (instruments and consumables)
- Other infectious disease test reagents (microbiology cultures for characterization and identification, histology stains)
Kalorama Information’s report, The World Market for Veterinary Diagnostics, also looks at the contextual market factors that have led to the more routine integration of veterinary diagnostics testing prdoucts in veterinary healthcare:
- Correlation of volume of veterinary practice and animal hospital visits with in-clinic and reference lab testing activity
- Consumer behavior and spending trends relating to companion animal ownership
- Companion animal-owner relationships and the marketing efforts of the animal health industry
- Development of the North American pet insurance market
- Longer life expectancies for companion animals
- The stability higher-income households inject into veterinary diagnostics demand
Veterinary Diagnostics Companies Profiled include:
- Abaxis Corporation
- Heska Corporation
- IDEXX Laboratories Inc.
- Life Technologies Corporation (Thermo Fisher)
- Prionics AG (Thermo Fisher)
- Zoetis
- Other Market Participants
Table of Contents
Introduction to Companion and Food Animal Diagnostics
Veterinary Diagnostic Technologies and Products
Major Veterinary Diseases
Market Performance and Development
Market Factors
Major Findings
Diagnostic Methods
Lateral Flow Tests
Non-Infectious Immunoassays
Fluorescent Antibody
Indirect Fluorescent Antibody
Complement Fixation
Agar Gel Immunodiffusion
Serum/Virus Neutralization
Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
Molecular Tests
Clinical Chemistry
Major Veterinary Diseases
Leading Licensed Tests
Market Size, Growth and Segmentation
Market Factors
Veterinary Visits and Laboratory Requisitions
Consumer Care of Companion Animals
Long-Term Trends in Companion Animal Healthcare
End User Markets
Market Size, Growth and Segmentation
Market Factors
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) Testing Worldwide
Food Animal Diagnostics in an Age of Globalization
End User Markets
Competitive Market Shares
New Entrants
Medical Diagnostics
Heska Corporation
IDEXX Laboratories Inc.
Life Technologies Corporation (Thermo Fisher)
Prionics AG (Thermo Fisher)
Other Market Participants
- Figure 1-1: Food Animal Diagnostics Market by Infectious Disease (Bovine Viral Diarrhea [BVD], Classical Swine Fever [CSF], Enzootic Bovine Leukosis [EBL], Infectious Bovine Tracheitis [IBR], Porcine Coronavirus Diseases [PEDv, PDCoV, TGE], Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome [PRRS], Pseudorabies/Aujeszky’s, Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies [TSEs]) (% and $ millions) (2014).
- Figure 1-2: Veterinary Diagnostics Market (2010-2019)
- Figure 1-3: Veterinary Diagnostics Market Segmentation (Analyzer Systems and Reagents [Non-Infectious Disease Testing], Immunodiagnostics, Molecular Diagnostics, Other Testing incl. Microbiology and Histology) (% and $ millions) (2014)
- Figure 1-4: Veterinary Diagnostics Market Share by Region – United States, Europe, Rest of the World (ROW) (% and $ millions) (2014)
- Table 1-1: Level of Pet Owner Agreement with Statement: “I am spending less on pet products because of the economy” (2010-2014) (%)
- Figure 1-5: Japanese Beef Imports (thousands of kilograms) by Country/Region (Asia, Australia & Oceania; United States; Latin America; Canada) (2002-2013)
- Figure 1-6: Japanese Poultry Imports (thousands of kilograms) by Country/Region (Brazil, Rest of the World, North America, Asia-Pacific) (2002-2013)
- Table 2-1: Common Parasite Immunoassay Tests – Disease/Test Type/ Manufacturer
- Table 2-2: Common Companion Animal Bacterial and Viral Immunoassay Tests – Disease/Test Type/Manufacturer
- Table 2-3: Common Food Animal Bacterial, Viral and Prionic Immunoassay Tests – Disease/Test Type/Manufacturer
- Table 2-4: Other Non-Infectious Disease and Health Condition Tests – Disease/Test Type/Manufacturer
- Table 2-5: Veterinary Molecular Diagnostic Test Kits – Disease/Test Type/ Manufacturer
- THREE: COMPANION ANIMAL DIAGNOSTICS MARKETFigure 3-1: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Segmentation (Analyzer Systems and Reagents [Chemistry, Hematology, Other incl. Immunoassay Readers, Critical Care, Coagulation, Urinalysis and POC], Immunodiagnostics [Infectious, Non-Infectious], Molecular Diagnostics, Other Testing incl. Microbiology and Histology) (% and $ millions) (2014)
- Figure 3-2: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market Share by Country/Region – United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Rest of Europe, Japan, Rest of the World (ROW) (% and $ millions) (2014)
- Figure 3-3: Companion Animal Diagnostics Market (2010-2019)
- Figure 3-4: Veterinary Lab Testing Market Growth Trends (2009-2014) (%)
- Table 3-1: Level of Pet Owner Agreement with Statement: “I am spending less on pet products because of the economy” (2010-2014) (%)
- Table 3-2: $70k+ Household Share of U.S. Pet Market Expenditures: By Category (Veterinary Services, Total Pet Market [Pet Food, Supplies, Non-Medical Services, Veterinary Services]) (2005-2012)
- Figure 3-5: North American Pet Insurance Market Revenues: United States and Canada (2008/2013/2018)
- Figure 3-6: Age of Dogs and Cats by % of U.S. Households (2014)
- Figure 3-7: Companion Animal Diagnostics End User Market Shares – In- Clinic/Hospital, Outside Laboratory and Consumer (%) (2014)
- FOUR: FOOD ANIMAL DIAGNOSTICS MARKETFigure 4-1: Food Animal Diagnostics Market Segmentation (Analyzer Systems and Reagents [Non-Infectious Disease Testing], Infectious Immunodiagnostics, Infectious Molecular Diagnostics, Other Testing incl. Microbiology and Histology) (% and $ millions) (2014)
- Figure 4-2: Food Animal Diagnostics Market Share by Country/Region – United States, France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, Eastern Europe, Rest of Europe, Rest of the World (ROW) (% and $ millions) (2014)
- Figure 4-3: Food Animal Diagnostics Market (2010-2019)
- Table 4-1: Global TSE Diagnostic Testing Volume by Country/Region (United States, Canada, Japan, Europe, ROW) and Type (BSE, Scrapie, CWD) (2008-2014)
- Figure 4-4: Food Animal Diagnostics Market by Infectious Disease (Bovine Viral Diarrhea [BVD], Classical Swine Fever [CSF], Enzootic Bovine Leukosis [EBL], Infectious Bovine Tracheitis [IBR], Porcine Coronavirus Diseases [PEDv, PDCoV, TGE], Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome [PRRS], Pseudorabies/Aujeszky’s, Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies [TSEs]) (% and $ millions) (2014)
- Figure 4-5: Japanese Beef Consumption (kilograms per person) (1990-2008)
- Figure 4-6: Japanese Beef Imports (thousands of kilograms) by Country/Region (Asia, Australia & Oceania; United States; Latin America; Canada) (2002-2013) Table of Contents
- Figure 4-7: Japanese Poultry Imports (thousands of kilograms) by Country/Region (Brazil, Rest of the World, North America, Asia-Pacific) (2002-2013)
- FIVE: INDUSTRY AND COMPETITIONFigure 5-1: Veterinary Diagnostics Market by Competitive Share – Abaxis, bioMérieux, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Heska, IDEXX, Illumina, Laboratorios Hipra, QIAGEN, Thermo Fisher (Finnzymes, Life Technologies and Prionics), Zoetis (2013) ($ millions and %)
- Table 5-1: Mergers & Significant Acquisitions – Veterinary Diagnostics/Animal Health & Pharmaceuticals
- Table 5-2: Mergers & Significant Acquisitions – Veterinary Diagnostics & Medical Diagnostics
- SIX: COMPANY PROFILESTable 6-1: Abaxis Product List and Specifications (Chemistry Analyzer, Hematology Analyzer, Coagulation Analyzer, Portable Veterinary Analyzer, Rapid Assays, Other)
- Figure 6-1: Abaxis Revenues by Product Group/Segment (2013 – Calendar Year) (Vet Chemistry, Vet Hematology, Vet i-STAT /Coagulation/Rapid Assays, Human Diagnostics, Other)
- Table 6-2: Abaxis Revenues by Product Group/Segment (2011-2013 calendar years) (Vet Chemistry, Vet Hematology, Vet i-STAT /Coagulation/Rapid Assays, Human Diagnostics, Other)
- Table 6-3: Heska Product List (Diagnostic Analyzer Systems – Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, POC; Heartworm Tests; Lab Tests; Other)
- Figure 6-2: Heska Revenues by Product Group/Segment (2013) (Vet Diagnostic Instruments; Instrument Consumables; Heartworm Tests, Allergy Testing, Pharma and Vaccines; Vet Imaging; Other Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals and Supplements)
- Table 6-4: Heska Revenues by Product Group/Segment (2011-2013) (Vet Diagnostic Instruments; Instrument Consumables; Heartworm Tests, Pharma and Vaccines; Vet Imaging; Other Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals and Supplements)
- Table 6-5: Notable IDEXX Acquisitions (2003-2014)
- Table 6-6: IDEXX Product List (Veterinary Diagnostics and Other)
- Figure 6-3: IDEXX Revenues by Product Group/Segment (2013) (Companion Animal Diagnostic Instruments, Instrument Consumables, Instrument Services and Accessories; Companion Animal Rapid Assays; Reference Laboratory and Lab Consulting Services; Practice Management and Imaging Systems; Livestock, Poultry and Dairy Diagnostics, Water Testing Products, Other including Human Diagnostics) .
- Table 6-7: IDEXX Revenues by Product Group/Segment (2011-2013) (Companion Animal Diagnostic Instruments, Instrument Consumables, Instrument Services and Accessories; Companion Animal Rapid Assays; Reference Laboratory and Lab Consulting Services; Practice Management and Imaging Systems; Livestock, Poultry and Dairy Diagnostics, Water Testing Products, Other including Human Diagnostics)
- Table 6-8: Life Technologies (Applied Biosystems, LSI) Product List (Veterinary Diagnostics)
- Table 6-9: Prionics Product List (Veterinary Diagnostics and Other)
- Table 6-10: Synbiotics Product List (Veterinary Diagnostics and Other)
- Table 6-11: Other Veterinary Diagnostics Suppliers