It’s 2023: Where is the At-Home IVD Testing Market Now?
The Home IVD testing market is not new, but it had primarily been limited to glucose and pregnancy testing. COVID-19 testing has opened the door for home infectious disease testing and more. The market is detailed in Kalorama’s latest report At-Home Diagnostic Testing Markets and Trends (COVID-19, FOB, Glucose, HIV and Other Tests), 2023
The global Home IVD testing market was valued at $28.9 billion in 2022, with the largest portion of that glucose testing and COVID-19 testing. The Home IVD market increased 9% over 2021, largely due to increases in the infectious disease segment, namely COVID-19 testing sales. Although it is hard to predict the future of Home IVD diagnostic testing, Kalorama has attempted to provide the best trajectory for this market based on available data and industry information.
“The global Home IVD testing market was valued at $28.9 billion in 2022, with the largest portion of that glucose testing and COVID-19 testing.“
Kalorama At-Home Diagnostics Report
The Home IVD testing market is a growing market facilitated by the proliferation of COVID-19 tests that have entered the market since the pandemic began. This has spurred insurance companies to provide reimbursement for home COVID-19 tests, which could help to save money in the long run on health costs.
Advancements in technology have provided new methods of testing such as nasal and buccal swabs and increased accuracy of immunoassays and molecular tests. Some of the barriers to the market have been addressed but there is still more to be done.
Consumers are taking a greater role in their own healthcare with testing being a big part of that. Consumers also experienced growing confidence in performing their own tests due to the proliferation of COVID-19 tests during the pandemic. It is Kalorama Information’s assumption that telemedicine and internet connection has also played a role in consumer empowerment making it easier to reach the provider to discuss the home test results.
Growth of the Home IVD testing market will likely continue in the short term and has a very good foundation for continuing to grow in the future. At the present time, it is hard to speculate the long-term trajectory of Home IVD testing but there are positive signs that the market will continue to build on the successes of glucose, pregnancy and COVID-19 testing.