Introducing: The Kalorama Clinical Masterfile
Announcing a new product from Kalorama Information, Part of the Science and Medicine Group. The Kalorama Clinical Masterfile.
For the best business results, clinical diagnostics marketers need knowledge about several elements:
- What products do my customers currently have?
- What types of products? Clinical Chemistry, Micro, Molecular, Immunoassays, Hematology?
- How old are those systems? Is it likely they would seek replacement?
- How is my competition doing?
- How can I verify customer data that my sales staff provides?
- What is their budget?
- Who is in charge of buying these systems?
The Kalorama Clinical Masterfile is designed to help answer these questions. It is the most comprehensive database of the installed base of clinical laboratory equipment in the U.S. It is based on an ongoing survey of more than 5,300 facilities continuously updates data on more than 41,000 analyzers including manufacturer, model, number installed, year installed and department location.
The information is continuously gathered by phone and online reporting system with pathologists and lab managers at U.S. CLIA labs. Every major modality is covered including chemistry, coagulation, hematology, immunoassay, integrated systems, microbiology, and molecular diagnostics.
The Masterfile is based on an ongoing survey of more than 5,300 facilities continuously updates data on more than 41,000 analyzers including manufacturer, model, number installed, year installed and department location.
Key demographics such as address, population served, budget and points-of-contact. The product is sold on a 12 month license, with quarterly updates included. More information is available at:
- 1. Facility Information
IMV Master ID, AHA (American Hospital Association) ID, Medicare Provider (CMS) ID, Facility Name, Facility Address, Facility Phone Number (General), Last Interview Date - 2. Key Demographics
Population Served, Healthcare Spend (specific to Laboratory) ($), Spend Index - 3. Modalities / Areas CoveredChemistry, Coagulation, Hematology, Immunoassay, Integrated Systems, Microbiology, Molecular Diagnostics
- 4. Installed Equipment
Manufacturer, Model + Name / Number, Year Installed
Department Location - 5. Contact Fields
Name, Title, Institution ID (note that Client ID number can be added, if applicable)
Contact Us to See a Demo and Discuss the Clinical Masterfile.