This comprehensive evaluation of the blood industry provides an analysis of all the key market segments involved in this industry, including blood products such as:
- Red Blood Cells (RBCs)
- Immunoglobulins
- Albumin
- Other Plasma Products
- Synthetic HBOC and PFC Agents
- Recombinant Factors
And blood supply management products, including:
- Blood Collection Equipment
- Automated Blood Collection Equipment
- Blood Banking and Plasmapheresis Testing
- Blood Typing
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Testing
- Hepatitis A Virus Testing
- Hepatitis B Virus Testing
- Hepatitis C Virus Testing
- Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Testing
- West Nile Virus Testing
- Other Safety Testing
In addition to complete market data, including forecasts to 2012, the study reports
- Product demand estimates by region
- Collection and transfusion estimates
- High-blood-loss procedure estimates
- Product pricing
- Reimbursement rates
- Epidemiology of key conditions requiring blood products
- Products on the market and in development
The report also provides discussions of the key trends, as well as the regulatory, business, and clinical challenges facing the various sectors; profiles of 25 major players in the industry are included.
Historical information for this report was gathered from a wide variety of published sources including company reports and filings, government documents, legal filings, trade journals, newspapers and business press, analysts’ reports and other sources. Primary interviews and correspondence with company representatives were conducted to capture the perspectives from industry participants’ point of view and assess trends, and form the basis of the forecasting and competitive analysis.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Executive Summary
- Blood Collection
- Blood Typing and Testing for Diseases
- Blood Typing
- Blood Testing
- Blood Storage And Processing
- Blood Transfusions
- Blood Management And Safety Issues
- Synthetic Blood Products
- Scope And Methodology
- Blood Products Market
- Blood Testing And Typing Products Market
- Plasma and Blood Collection Equipment Market
- Synthetic Blood Products Market
Chapter Two: Introduction and Overview
- The Global Blood Industry
- History of the Blood Industry
- United States
- Europe
- Asia
- Blood and its Components
- Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
- White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)
- Platelets
- Plasma
- Immunoglobulin Products
- Blood Transfusions
- Diseases Contracted from Blood Transfusions and Related Identification Testing
- Transfusion-Associated Risks
- Efforts to Create a Virus-Free Blood Supply
- Plasma Treatment
- Platelet Treatments
- Synthetic Blood Products
- Blood Volume Expanders
- Hemoglobin Based Oxygen Carriers
- Immunologic Properties
- Vasoactive Properties
- Performance
- Perflurocarbon (PFC) Based Blood Products
- Developmental Status
- Commercialization Challenges
- Factor Products for Hemophilia A
- Synthetic Platelets
Chapter Three: The Blood Management System: Collection, Processing, and Use
- Blood Collection
- Organizations Collecting Blood
- Not-For-Profit Blood Collection
- Red Cross
- Community Blood Banks
- Hospitals
- Other Blood Collection Sites
- For-Profit Blood Collection
- National Donor Deferral Registry
- Donor Donation Demographics
- Donor Recruitment
- Blood Screening and Evaluation
- Methods for Collecting Blood from Donors
- Manual Blood Collection
- Automated Blood Collection
- Plasmapheresis
- Plateletpheresis
- Leukopheresis
- Red Blood Cell Apheresis
- Cord Blood Collection
- Plasma Collection
- Plasma Fractionators
- Distributors/Brokers
- Blood Typing and Testing for Diseases
- Blood Typing
- Methods of Blood Typing
- Manual Blood Typing Methods
- Automated Blood Typing and Screening Methods
- Blood Testing
- Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAT)
- CBER Licensed NAT Screening Tests
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Amplification
- CBER Licensed PCR Screening Tests
- Immunoassays
- Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays
- Basic ELISA
- Alternate ELISA Methods
- Sandwich Method
- Reverse Sandwich Method
- Reverse Sandwich Inhibition Method
- Costs and Other Barriers
- Blood Storage
- Blood Processing
- Cohn Fractionation
- Classical Fractionation Methods
- Advanced Fractionation Methods
- Cascade Plasma Fractionation
- Blood Transfusions
- Testing Before Transfusion
- Coombs Test
- Manual Cross-Match Techniques
- Major Cross-Match
- Minor Cross-Match
- Antibody Screen
- Types of Transfusions
- Packed Red Blood Cells
- Platelets
- Leukocytes
- Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
- Cryoprecipitate
- Immune Serum Globulin/IMIG/IGIV
- FactorVIII
- Factor IX and Factor IX Complex
- Factor VIIa
- Fibrin/Thrombin
- Therapeutic Apheresis
- Blood Management Issues
- Availability
- Increasing Repeat Donation Rates
- Increasing Voluntary Donation
- Safety Issues
- Reducing Blood Typing Errors
- Improving Donor Screening
- Improving Viral Screening
- Enhancing Viral Inactivation Processes
- Preventing Bacterial Infections
- Prion Reduction
- Other Safety Precautions
Chapter four: The Human Blood and Blood Products Market
- Driving Forces of the Human Blood Industry
- Variables Influencing the Demand for Blood Transfusions
- Market Size
- Changing Patterns of Transfusion Procedures
- Leukocyte Reduction
- Impact of Autologous Donations
- Types of Autologous Donations
- Pricing of Blood
- National Blood Exchange
- RBCs and Leukoreduced RBCs
- Washed Red Blood Cells
- Deglycerolized Red Blood Cells
- Single-Donor Platelets and Random-Donor Platelets
- Fresh Frozen Plasma and Platelet-Rich Plasma
- Cryoprecipitate
- Granulocytes
- Gamma-Irradiated Blood
- Average Cost of Transfusion
- Plasma and Plasma Derived Products
- Plasma Market Size
- Market Dynamics
- Immunoglobulins
- Immunoglobulin Market Dynamics
- Immunoglobulin Market Size
- RSV Immunoglobulin
- CMV Immunoglobulin
- Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin
- RhoD Immunoglobulin
- Tetanus Immunoglobulin
- Rabies Immunoglobulin
- Varicella Immunoglobulin
- Vaccinia Immunoglobulin
- Albumin
- Albumin Market Dynamics
- Albumin Market Size
- Prothrombin Complex Concentrates
- Alpha-1 Proteinase Inhibitors
- Fibrin Sealants
- Clotting Factors and Factor VIIa
Chapter five: The Blood Testing and Typing Markets
- Blood Testing Products for Donor Screening
- Market Size
- Immunoassays
- Nucleic Acid Testing
- Market Participants
- Immunoassays
- Nucleic Acid Testing
- Blood Typing Products
- Plasma and Blood Collection Equipment
Chapter six: Synthetic Blood Products Market
- Driving Forces of the Synthetic Blood Products Industry
- Recombinant Factor Market
- Oxygen Carrier Market
- Synthetic Blood Products in Clinical Development
- Hemolink (Hemosol)
- Hemopure (Biopure)
- PolyHeme (Northfield Laboratories)
- Oxygent (Alliance Pharmaceutical)
- Albrec (Mitsubishi Pharma)
- PHP (Curacyte)
- Advate (Baxter)
- Recombinant Factors
- Other Research Initiatives
- Jerome H. Holland Laboratory
- Center for Blood Research
- National Blood Foundation
Chapter seven: Company Profiles
- Abbott Laboratories
- Alliance Pharmaceuticals
- American Association of Blood Banks (AABB)
- America’s Blood Centers
- American Red Cross
- Baxter International
- Biopure Corp.
- Bio-Rad Laboratories
- BioTime Inc.
- Chiron (Acquired by Novartis)
- Gen-Probe Inc.
- Grifols Biologicals, Inc.
- Haemonetics, Inc.
- Hemosol Corp.
- JP Laboratories Inc.
- Massachusetts Public Health Biologic Labs
- Medimmune Corp.
- Northfield Laboratories
- Novo Nordisk A/S
- Ortho Clinical Diagnostics
- Perftoran
- Sanguine Corp.
- Synthetic Blood International
- Talecris Biotherapeutics
- ZLB Behring
List of Exhibits
Chapter One: Executive Summary
- Exhibit 1: Market Summary: Global Blood Products Market by Component 2005
- Exhibit 2: Global Projected Blood Banking and Plasmapheresis Molecular Diagnostics Testing Market Estimates by Analyte 2005-2012
- Exhibit 3: Global Market for Blood Collection Equipment Total Revenue vs Automated Equipment Revenue 2000-2012
- Exhibit 4: Recombinant Factor and High Blood Loss Market 2005-2012
Chapter Two: Introduction and Overview
- Exhibit 5: Timeline of Global Blood Industry Development 2006-2011
- Exhibit 6: Composition of Blood Plasma
- Exhibit 7: Viral Inactivation Methods for Viruses Found in Platelets
- Exhibit 8: Viral Inactivation Methods for Viruses Found in Red Blood Cells
Chapter Three: The Blood Management System: Collection, Processing, and Use
- Exhibit 9: Worldwide Annual Blood Collection by Component
- Exhibit 10: Basic Blood Types
- Exhibit 11: Blood Transfusion Compatibility
- Exhibit 12: PCR-Based Screening Tests Licensed by CBER
- Exhibit 13: Comparison of Direct and Indirect ELISA
- Exhibit 14: Results of Cohn Fractionation Method
- Exhibit 15: Plasma Proteins of Therapeutic Interest
- Exhibit 16: Risk of Contamination by Organism/Contaminant
- Exhibit 17: Viral Inactivation by Procedures and Targets
Chapter four: The Human Blood and Blood Products Market
- Exhibit 18: Geographical Distribution of RBC Demand by Region (United States, Europe, Japan, ROW) 2005
- Exhibit 19: Projected World Demand for RBCs 2005-2012
- Exhibit 20: Worldwide Demand for RBCs for Acute and Chronic Conditions, 2005
- Exhibit 21: Number of High Blood Loss Surgical Procedures, Units of RBC per Procedure, Total Units Transfused, and Total Market Value by Procedure Type (Gastrointestinal, Cardiovascular, Orthopedic, Urologic, Thoracic, Other) 2005
- Exhibit 22: Average Blood and Component Requirements by Condition
- Exhibit 23: Global Blood Products Market by Type of Product, Number of Units, Average Price, and Total Value, 2005
- Exhibit 24: Global Blood Collection and Transfusion Estimates (Millions of Units) 2005-2012
- Exhibit 25: Global Plasma Collection and Transfusion Estimates 2005-2012
- Exhibit 26: Countries Conducting Routine Leukocyte Reduction, 2006
- Exhibit 27: Surgical Procedures Amenable to Autologous Blood Donation
- Exhibit 28: CMS Platelet Reimbursement Rates by CPT/HCPCS Code 2005
- Exhibit 29: CMS Platelet Reimbursement Rates, 2005
- Exhibit 30: Selected Plasma Derived Product Approvals (Year, Product, Manufacturer, Indication, Benefit) 2002-2006
- Exhibit 31: The Global Market for Plasma and Plasma Derived Products 2000-2012
- Exhibit 32: Selected Plasma Industry Shifts, 2003-2006
- Exhibit 33: Sales and Market Shares of Leading Suppliers of Plasma and Plasma Derived Products 2005
- Exhibit 34: Global Market for Immunoglobulins by Leading Manufacturer 2005-2012
- Exhibit 35: Global Market for Human Albumin Products by Brand 2005-2012
- Exhibit 36: Prevalence of Conditions Requiring Prothrombin Complex Concentrates by Factor
- Exhibit 37: Leading Factor IX Products, 2006
Chapter five: The Blood Testing and Typing Markets
- Exhibit 38: Global Blood Banking and Plasmapheresis Testing Volume by Molecular Diagnostics by Analyte (HIV, HCV, HBV, HAV, HTLV, WNV, Others) 2005-2012
- Exhibit 39: U.S. Blood Banking and Plasmapheresis Testing Volume by Molecular Diagnostics by Analyte (HIV, HCV, HBV, HAV, HTLV, WNV, Others) 2005-2012
- Exhibit 40: Global Projected Blood Banking and Plasmapheresis Molecular Diagnostics Testing Market Potential (Number of Tests, Cost per Test, Market Size) by Analyte (HIV, HCV, HBV, HAV, HTLV, WNV, Others) 2005-2012
- Exhibit 41: Projected Blood Banking and Plasmapheresis Molecular Diagnostics Testing Market Potential in the United States: 2005-2012
- Exhibit 42: Commercially Available Molecular (Nucleic Acid) Tests for Blood, Plasma and Organ Donor Screening in the United States (Tradename, Format, Sample, Use, Manufacturer, Approval Date)
- Exhibit 43: Global Market for Blood Collection Equipment 2005-2012
- Exhibit 44: Global Market for Automated Blood Collection Equipment: 2005-2012
Chapter six: Synthetic Blood Products Market
- Exhibit 45: World Recombinant Factor Market by Brand 2005-2012
- Exhibit 46: High Blood Loss Market HBOC and PFC Agent Revenues 2007-2012
- Exhibit 47: Recombinant Factor Products in Clinical Trials