The importance, danger and costs of tuberculosis in the 21st century cannot be understated or underestimated. Though nearly extinct in the 20th century, over 1.6 billion people worldwide suffer from tuberculosis, and it is now presenting a major crisis in public health circles.
As illustrated by Kenneth G. Krul, Phd., in Kalorama Information’s Global Tuberculosis Strategies, there are abundant opportunities for diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies in combating the global tuberculosis threat. As the author details, there are primarily three focal points for the development of strategy for combating tuberculosis: potential market, epidemiology (tuberculosis patient trends) and technology, and Krul reviews how diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies can incorporate these focal points into strategy.
Lack of proper diagnosis is one of the barriers to tuberculosis treatment. Krul goes into detail about screening techniques and the potential market for diagnostic products. In addition, treatment markets are defined for major regions of the world.
Kalorama Information’s Global Tuberculosis Strategies, authored by Kalorama Information analyst Kenneth G. Krul, PhD, covers these points in detail and presents the most authoritative look at the global tuberculosis threat, strategies to combat tuberculosis, and the market opportunities that can be created in tuberculosis treatment. As part of its coverage, the report includes:
- Extensive Tuberculosis Etiology necessary to understand this unique disease.
- Epidemiologic Statistics including 30 Tables of Incidence, Prevalence and Mortality Statistics by Country, by Region and by Type of Tuberculosis.
- Theoretical Market Sizes for Screening/Diagnosis as well as Treatment by Region and by Type of Tuberculosis (MDR and non-MDR).
- Complete overview of Tuberculosis Screening Procedures.
- Review of Products used for treatment of Tuberculosis.
- A Glossary of Important Terms.
A truly global round-up, the report focuses in detail on the following regions:
- Africa
- The Americas
- Eastern Mediterranean
- Europe
- Southeast Asia
- Western Pacific
Marketing directors, product managers, sales managers and business development executives in both diagnostic and pharmaceutical companies will benefit from this unique resource.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE: Executive Summary
- Market Potential
- Epidemiology
- Technology
- Scope and Methodology
CHAPTER TWO: The Basics of TuberculosiS
- Tuberculosis Fundamentals
- Etiology and Pathogenesis
- Etiology
- Pathogenesis
- Primary Infection
- Secondary/Disseminated Tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis Epidemiology
- General Epidemiology
- Molecular Epidemiology
CHAPTER THREE: Tuberculosis Screening and DiagnosiS
- Overview
- Skin Testing
- Laboratory Testing
- Adenosine Deaminas
- Nucleic Acid Amplification Tests (NAAT)/Molecular Diagnostics
- Interferon-
- Microbiological Studies
- Culture – vs – Non-Culture Testing
- Culture-Based Systems
- Non-Culture Methods
- Nucleic Acid Amplification (NAA)
- Diagnostic development must be based on assessment of medical needs.
- Specifications must be defined.
- The tests should be designed to be used where the patients are.
- There is insufficient knowledge about local conditions:
- High-tech strategies should not be force-fit to low-tech settings:
- Simplification is needed in the interim:
- Fundamental research questions must be addressed.
- Public leadership is required in priority setting:
- Access and pricing issues must be clarified.
CHAPTER FOUR: Tuberculosis Therapeutics
- Tuberculosis Drugs: First Line
- Isoniazid (INH)
- Rifampin (RIF)
- Ethambutol (EMB)
- Pyrazinamide (PZA)
- Tuberculosis Drugs: Second Line
- Aminoglycosides
- Fluoroquinolones
- Polypeptides
- Thioamides
- Cycloserine
- p-Aminosalicylic Acid
- Other Drugs
- Management of Relapse, Treatment Failure, and Drug Resistance
- Treatment of Tuberculosis in HIV/AIDS Patients
- Multi-Drug Resistance in Tuberculosis
- Therapeutic Progress
CHAPTER FIVE: Strategic Assessment of Tuberculosis
- Market Potential
- Global Tuberculosis Strategies
- United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- The Stop TB Partnership
- Global Drug Facility (GDF)
APPENDIX: Glossary
table of exhibits
CHAPTER ONE: Executive Summary
- Table 1-1: Estimated Theoretical Total Global Market Potentials for Tuberculosis Testing & Therapeutics Products by Region, 2005 (Millions)
- Figure 1-1: Theoretical Distribution of Global Tuberculosis Therapeutics and Testing Products Markets : 2005
- Figure 1-2: Theoretical Distribution of the Total Global Tuberculosis Testing Products Markets: 2005
- Figure 1-3: Theoretical Distribution of the Total Global Tuberculosis Therapeutics Markets: 2005
- Table 1-2: Global Tuberculosis Incidence by Region: 2005
- Table 1-3: Global Tuberculosis Prevalence by Region: 2005
- Table 1-4: Global Tuberculosis Mortality by Region : 2005
CHAPTER TWO: The Basics of Tuberculosis
- Table 2-1: Global Tuberculosis Incidence by Region: 2005
- Table 2-2: Tuberculosis Incidence in High-Burden Countries: 2005
- Figure 2-1: Global Tuberculosis Incidence Rates by Region: 2005 (Cases per 100,000 Population per Year)
- Figure 2-2: Global Tuberculosis Incidence Distribution by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-3: Global Tuberculosis Incidence Distribution versus Population Distribution by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-4: Global Tuberculosis Incidence Rates by Region: 1990 – vs – 2005 (Cases per 100,000 Population per Year)
- Table 2-3: Global Tuberculosis Prevalence by Region: 2005
- Table 2-4: Tuberculosis Prevalence in High-Burden Countries: 2005
- Table 2-4: Tuberculosis Prevalence in High-Burden Countries: 2005
- Figure 2-5: Global Tuberculosis Prevalence Rates by Region: 2005 (Cases per 100,000 Population per Year)
- Figure 2-6: Global Tuberculosis Prevalence Distribution by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-7: Global Tuberculosis Prevalence Distribution versus Population Distribution by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-8: Global Tuberculosis Prevalence Rates by Region: 1990 – vs – 2005 (Cases per 100,000 Population per Year)
- Table 2-5: Global Tuberculosis Mortality by Region(Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Southeast Asia, Western Pacific), 2005
- Table 2-6: Tuberculosis Mortality in High-Burden Countries: 2005
- Figure 2-9: Global Tuberculosis Mortality Rates by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-10: Global Tuberculosis Mortality Distribution by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-11: Global Tuberculosis Mortality Distribution versus Population Distribution by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-12: Global Tuberculosis Mortality Rates by Region: 1990 – vs – 2005
- Figure 2-13: Comparison of Tuberculosis Incidence, Prevalence and Mortality by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-14: Comparison of Tuberculosis Incidence, Prevalence and Mortality Rates by Region, 2005
- Table 2-7: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Incidence by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-15: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Incidence Rates by Region: 2005
- Figure 2-16: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Incidence Distribution by Region: 2005
- Table 2-8: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Prevalence by Region (Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Southeast Asia, Western Pacific): 2005
- Figure 2-17: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Prevalence Rates by Region, 2005 (Cases per 100,000 Population per Year
- Figure 2-18: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Prevalence Distribution by Region, 2005
- Table 2-9: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Mortality by Region (Africa, Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Southeast Asia, Western Pacific), 200
- Figure 2-19: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Mortality Rates by Region: 2005 (Deaths per 100,000 Population per Year
- Figure 2-20: Global HIV-Associated Tuberculosis Mortality Distribution by Region: 200
CHAPTER THREE: Tuberculosis Screening and Diagnosi
- Table 3-1: USDHHS Classification System for Tuberculosi
- Table 3-2: CDC Classification System for Tuberculosis in Refugees and Immigrants
- Table 3-3: Molecular Diagnostic Assay Products for the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis-Like Condition
- Table 3-4: Rapid Culture-Based Diagnostic and DST Product
- Table 3-5: Phage-Based Tests
- Tale 3-6: Manufacturers and Tuberculosis Tests Reviewed by WHO
- Table 3-7: Antigen-Based Tuberculosis Diagnosis Tests
- Table 3-8: Nucleic Aid Amplification Tests for Tuberculosis Diagnosis
- Table 3-9: Other Non-Culture Tests for Tuberculosis Diagnosis
CHAPTER FOUR: Tuberculosis Therapeutics
- Table 4-1: Rating System for the Strength of Treatment Recommendations Based on Quality of Evidence
- Table 4-2: General Regimen for the Dosing of First-Line Antituberculosis Drugs
- Table 4-3: Drug Regimens for Culture-Positive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Caused by Drug-Susceptible Organisms
- Table 4-4: General Regimen for the Dosing of Second-Line Antituberculosis Drugs
- Table 4-5: Number and Percentage of MDR-TB and XDR-TB Cases by Geographic Region: 2000 – 2004
- Table 4-6: New Therapeutics for Tuberculosis in Development
CHAPTER FIVE: Strategic Assessment of Tuberculosis
- Figure 5-1: Theoretical Distribution of Global Tuberculosis Therapeutics and Testing Products Markets: 2005
- Figure 5-2: Theoretical Distribution of the Total Global Tuberculosis Testing Products Markets: 2005
- Figure 5-3: Theoretical Distribution of Global Tuberculosis Testing Products Markets for Screening: 2005
- Figure 5-4: Theoretical Distribution of Global Tuberculosis Testing Products Markets for Diagnosis/Susceptibility Testing: 2005
- Table 5-2: Estimated Theoretical Total Global Market Potentials for Tuberculosis Testing Products: 2005 (Millions)
- Figure 5-5: Theoretical Distribution of the Total Global Tuberculosis Therapeutics Markets: 2005
- Figure 5-6: Theoretical Distribution of Global Non-MDR Tuberculosis Therapeutics Markets: 2005
- Figure 5-7: Theoretical Distribution of Global MDR/XDR Tuberculosis Therapeutics: 2005
- Table 5-3: Estimated Theoretical Total Global Market Potentials for Tuberculosis Therapeutics: 2005
- Figure 5-8: Realistic Distribution of Global Tuberculosis Therapeutics and Testing Products Markets: 2005
- Table 5-4: Estimated Realistic Global Market Potentials for Tuberculosis Therapeutics and Testing Products: 2005
- Figure 5-9: Realistic Distribution of the Total Global Tuberculosis Testing Products Markets: 2005
- Figure 5-10: Realistic Distribution of Global Tuberculosis Testing Products Markets for Screening, 2005
- Figure 5-11: Realistic Distribution of Global Tuberculosis Testing Products Markets for Diagnosis/Susceptibility Testing: 2005
- Table 5-5: Estimated Realistic Total Global Market Potentials for Tuberculosis Testing Products: 2005
- Figure 5-12: Realistic Distribution of the Total Global Tuberculosis Therapeutics Markets, 2005
- Figure 5-13: Realistic Distribution of Global Non-MDR Tuberculosis Therapeutics Markets: 2005
- Figure 5-14: Realistic Distribution of Global MDR/XDR Tuberculosis Therapeutics: 2005
- Table 5-6: Estimated Realistic Total Global Market Potentials for Tuberculosis Therapeutics: 2005