Growth factors are gene products that play important roles in the regulation of cell division and tissue proliferation. Generally, the binding of a growth factor to its receptor initiates or blocks the ability of cells to divide and multiply. Blood and tissue growth factors have become exciting targets for compounds intended to inhibit or slow the mechanisms involved in their function or growth.
This report highlights the research into, and the current and potential key world markets for, products that inhibit the functioning of growth factors and the development of angiogenesis. These inhibitors include proteins, antibodies, and a variety of compounds currently targeted at four key diseases:
- Cancer;
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration;
- Rheumatoid Arthritis;
- Psoriasis.
The world market for inhibitors of growth factors and angiogenesis will more than triple between 2003 and 2007. Most of the growth will occur in the rheumatology market, where growth factor inhibitors, such as Enbrel and Remicade, have already established themselves. The cancer market will evolve as a large segment as well, as the use of Iressa and Herceptin gains acceptance and additional indications.
This report focuses on the current and future markets for drugs used to inhibit the growth of tumors, cancerous lesions, and which can be used to fight other diseases that involve the unwanted or abnormal growth of blood vessels, such as age-related macular degeneration and rheumatoid arthritis. The report generally reviews the nature and direction of research, as well as the markets for currently available growth factor inhibitor drugs.
Market forecasts are based on an examination of current market conditions and on investigations into the development of new products by key companies. This information is also weighted with the projected timing and the probability of receiving FDA and other regulatory approval to market products. Interviews and correspondence with company executives, clinicians, researchers, and public health officials form the basis of the conclusions. Market data were developed using a combination of these interviews, market modeling involving epidemiology and likely drug approvals, and information gathered from company product literature, other corporate brochures and documents, government databases, and the scientific and trade press.