One of the keys to understanding many complex biological interactions, is the role played by specific carbohydrates. This is glycobiology. While many glycobiology-related products commercialized to date are detection and analysis kits for analyzing glycoproteins and the extent of glycosylation, a newer body of research is harnessing glycobiology to develop glycol-based drugs, or glycotherapeutics.
The glycosylated therapeutics business is among the faster growing segments in the drug industry, but the development of novel glycosylated therapies is only in the early commercial stages. A variety of companies have development programs for new glycosylated therapeutics underway to exploit the potential of carbohydrate mimics for treating infectious and other diseases, surface sugars modulation in cancer therapies, and other mechanisms for improving drug delivery and pharmacokinetic profiles.
This market briefing analyzes the world market for glycosylated therapeutics, a segment of glycobiology. The report generally reviews the nature and direction of research, as well as future markets. This briefing also profiles several companies involved in developing such products in the field. Market forecasts in this report are based on an examination of current market conditions and on investigations into the development of new products by key companies. This information is also weighted with the projected timing and the potential for receiving regulatory approvals to market products. The information presented in this report is the result of data gathered from company product literature and other corporate brochures and documents, as well as information found in the scientific and trade press. In addition, interviews were conducted with company executives, clinicians, researchers and public health officials.