This study provides a comprehensive analysis of available and emerging reproductive products and technologies related to contraception and infertility treatments. The goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive range of information from detailed product analyses through industry trends, and to quantify and qualify the market for hormonal contraceptives, infertility pharmaceuticals, and for assisted reproductive technologies.
The report forecasts the following markets through 2008: The world market oral contraceptives The world market hormonal contraceptive devices The world market infertility pharmaceuticals, and The U.S. market for assisted reproductive technologies (ART).
Not included are market forecasts for infertility diagnostics or surgical procedures to treat fertility or over-the-counter contraceptives or diagnostics (such as spermicides, condoms, ovulation or pregnancy testing kits). These markets are covered in other reports such as The U.S. Market for Over-the-Counter Diagnostics and Over-the-Counter Women’s Health
World market numbers include pharmaceuticals approved by the appropriate regulatory agency in the U.S. and other countries, manufactured in the countries where the pharmaceuticals have been approved, and shipped worldwide. World market numbers in this report do not include pharmaceuticals manufactured in China or India by companies indigenous to those countries.
The information for this report was gathered using both primary and secondary research including comprehensive research of secondary sources such as company literature, databases, investment reports, and medical and business journals. Telephone interviews and email correspondence were the primary method of gathering information. For the purpose of this study, Kalorama Information interviewed key industry officials, consultants, healthcare providers, and government personnel. These sources were the primary basis in gathering information specifically relating to revenue and market share data presented in this report. Specific interviews with pharmaceutical company representatives included marketing directors, division managers, and product representatives.
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Executive Summary
- Overview
- Scope and Methodology
- Contraception Management
- Contraceptive Use Worldwide
- Contraceptive Use in the U.S.
- Types of Contraception
- New Contraceptive Products
- Hormonal Contraception Products Market and Forecast
- Infertility Management
- Treating Infertility
- Cost of Treating Infertility
- Infertility Pharmaceutical Market
- ART Cycles of Treatment Performed in the United States
- U.S. ART Market Forecast
Chapter Two: Introduction to Contraception and Fertility Management
- Overview
- Contraception Management
- Contraceptive Use Worldwide
- Oral Contraceptive Use Worldwide
- Types of Contraception
- Sterilization
- Oral Contraceptives
- Transdermal Patch
- Condoms
- Injectable Contraceptives
- Diaphragm
- Implant
- Spermicides
- Intrauterine Devices
- Sponge
- Cervical Cap
- Withdrawal
- Periodic Abstinence
- Emergency Contraception
- Infertility Management
- Infertility Evaluation
- Female Examination
- Male Examination
- Fertility Diagnostics
- Fertility Treatments
- Pharmaceutical Therapy
- Surgical Procedures
- Artificial Insemination
- Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Chapter Three: Contraception
- A Brief History of Contraception
- Worldwide Contraception Use
- Contraceptive Use in the United States
- Types of Contraception – Overview
- Surgical Sterilization
- Female Sterilization
- Male Sterilization
- Hormonal Contraceptives
- Oral Contraceptives
- Types of Oral Contraceptives
- Contraceptive Implants
- Injected Contraceptives
- Intrauterine Hormone-Releasing Devices
- Transdermal Contraceptive
- Vaginal Ring
- Emergency Contraceptives
- Prescription Contraceptive Devices
- Cervical Devices
- Intrauterine Devices
- Contraceptive Research and Development
- NICHD Program: Reproductive Health in the 21st Century
- Contraceptive Clinical Trials Network (CCTN)
- Contraceptives in R&D
- Chemical Barriers
- Mechanical Barrier Methods
- Biodegradable Implants
- Male Contraceptives
- Hormonal Contraception Product Market
- New Contraceptive Products
- Cost to User of Various Contraceptive Products/Procedures
- Hormonal Contraception Products Market and Forecast
- Hormonal Contraception Market Share
- Market Analysis
- Oral and Injected Contraceptives
- Contraceptive Patch Quickly Gaining Market Share
- Hormonal Contraceptive Devices
- Contraceptive Implants
Chapter Four: Infertility Management
- A Brief History of Infertility Management
- Overview of Infertility Management
- SART/ASRM Clinical Guidelines
- Infertility Prevalence in U.S.
- Female Reproductive System
- Male Reproductive System
- Infertility Evaluation
- Female Endocrine System Examination
- Pelvic Factor Investigation
- Male Factor Infertility
- Treating Infertility
- Pharmaceutical Treatments
- Surgical Procedures
- Artificial Insemination
- Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)
- Infertility Pharmaceutical Treatments In R&D
- New Research May Lead to an Oral FSH Option
- Affect of Oral Contraceptives on IVF Treatment
- Current R&D Programs
- Reproductive Science in the 21st Century
- Cost of Treating Infertility
- The Infertility Pharmaceutical Market
- World Infertility Pharmaceutical Market Forcast
- Leading Products and Manufacturers
- Market Analysis
- U.S. ART Treatment Market
- ART Cycles of Treatment Performed in the United States
- U.S. ART Market Forecast
- IVF—Leading ART Procedure
Chapter Five: Issues and Trends in Reproductive
- Contraception
- Overview of Major Issues and Trends
- Insurance Coverage for Contraceptives
- OTC Emergency Contraception
- Infertility Management
- Overview of Major Issues and Trends
- Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques
- Growing Trend of Multiple Births
- Insurance Coverage for the Evaluation and Treatment Infertility
Chapter Six: Company Profiles
- Barr Laboratories
- History and Lines of Business
- Business Strategy
- Contraception Products
- Financial Information
- Berlex, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Contraceptive Products
- Financial Information
- Conceptus, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Business Strategy
- Contraceptive Device
- Financial Information
- Ferring Pharmaceuticals AS
- History and Lines of Business
- Business Strategy
- Fertility Products
- Financial Information
- Organon International
- History and Lines of Business
- Strategic Alliance
- Contraception Products
- Fertility Products
- Financial Information
- Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Contraception Products
- Financial Information
- Serono, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Strategic Research Partnerships
- Infertility Products
- Financial Information
- Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
- History and Lines of Business
- Contraception Products
- Finanacial Information
- Wyeth
- History and Lines of Business
- Contraception Products
- Financial Information
Appendix A: Company Directory
Appendix B: Hormonal Contraceptives Available in the United States, 2005
Appendix C: Selected Reproductive Clinics in the United States, by State
Appendix D: Institutes, Professional Organizations and Societies in Reproductive Medicine
List of Exhibits
Chapter One: Executive Summary
- Table 1-1: Selected New Hormonal Contraceptive Products Introduced to the U.S. Market 2000-2004
- Table 1-2: User Cost of Selected Contraceptive Products and Procedure in the United States, 2004
- Table 1-3: The World Market for Hormonal Contraception Products 2000-2005
- Figure 1-1: Hormonal Contraception Products World Market Share by Type 2004
- Table 1-4: Selected Infertility Pharmaceutical Treatments Currently Available in the United States
- Table 1-5: Infertility Diagnostic and Treatment Costs in the United States by Procedure Type
- Table 1-6: World Infertility Pharmaceutical Market, 2000-2005
- Table 1-7: Number of ART Cycles of Treatment Performed in the United States 2000-2008
- Table 1-8: United States Market for ART (in Millions of U.S. Dollars) 2000-2005
Chapter Two: Introduction to Contraception and Fertility Management
- Table 2-1: Estimates of Contraceptive Use Among Married Women Ages 15-49 Worldwide, by Type and Region, 2000
- Table 2-2: Estimated Ever-Use of Oral Contraceptives and Any Contraceptive Among Married and Among Sexually Active Unmarried Women Ages 15-49 by Region, 2000
Chapter Three: Contraception
- Table 3-1: Timeline of the Development of Modern Contraceptives
- Figure 3-1: Contraceptive Use Among Couples Worldwide Percentage by Type, 2000
- Figure 3-2: Contraceptive Use in Developing Countries by Percentage Increase, 1960-2000
- Table 3-2: Percentage of Contraceptive Use Among Women of Child-Bearing Age, by Method of Contraception and Age Group in the United States
- Table 3-3: Selected Monophasic Contraceptives Currently Available in the United States
- Table 3-4: Selected Biphasic Contraceptives Available in the United States
- Table 3-5: Selected Triphasic Contraceptives Available in the United States
- Table 3-6: Selected Progesterone-only Contraceptives Available in the United States
- Table 3-7: Dedicated Emergency Contraceptices and Oral Contraceptives
- Used for Emergency Contraceptives
- Table 3-8: Selected Prescription Contraceptive Devices
- Figure 3-3: Number of New Molecular Entities Approved, 1998-2003
- Figure 3-4: Cummulative Number of Patients by Disease/Treatment 1976 to 2004
- Table 3-9: Contraceptives in Research and Development Innovator, Product, Description, and Research Status
- Table 3-10: Selected New Hormonal Contraceptive Products Introduced to the U.S. Market, 2000-2004
- Table 3-11: User Cost of Selected Contraceptive Products/Procedure in the United States 2004
- Table 3-12: The World Market for Hormonal Contraception Products 2000-2008
- Figure 3-5: Hormonal Contraception Products, World Market Share by Type, 2004
- Figure 3-6: Hormonal Contraception Products, U.S. Market Share by Type 2004
- Table 3-13: World Hormonal Contraceptive Market Share and Revenues by Competitor 2004
- Figure 3-7: World Hormonal Contraceptic Competitive Market Share 2004
Chapter Four: Infertility Management
- Figure 4-1: Phases of the Female Reproductive Cycle
- Table 4-1: Infertility Standard Screening Tests
- Table 4-2: Common Infertility Diagnostic Tests
- Table 4-3: Selected Infertility Pharmaceutical Treatments Currently
- Available in the United States
- Table 4-4: Summary of Results from the Assisted Reproductive Technology Surveillance Report in United States, 2001
- Figure 4-2: Four-Stage In Vitro Fertilization Process
- Table 4-5: Major Infertility Pharmaceutical Competitors’ Pipelines, 2005 Manufacturer, Product, Description, Development Phase
- Table 4-6: Infertility Diagnostic and Treatment Costs in the United States
- Table 4-7: World Infertility Pharmaceutical Market 2000-2008
- Table 4-8: Most Frequently Prescribed Infertility Pharmaceutical
- Brands in the United States by Category
- Table 4-9: World Fertility Pharmaceutical Market Market Share and Revenues by Competitor 2004
- Figure 4-3: Infertility Pharmaceutical Competitive Market Share 2004
- Table 4-10: Number of ART Cycles of Treatment Performed in the United States 2000-2008
- Table 4-11: Number of Live Births and Babies Delivered through Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the United States, 1997-2002
- Table 4-12: U.S. ART Market by Cycle Type (With vs Without Donor Eggs) 2000-2008
- Figure 4-4: Specific Types of ART Performed in 2002
- Figure 4-5: Live Births per Retrieval for Different Types of ART Procedures Using Fresh Nondonor Eggs or Embryos, 2002
- Figure 4-6: Expanding Use of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Figure 4-7: IVF with ICSI in Comparison to IVF without ICSI, by Woman’s Age, 2002
Chapter Five: Issues and Trends in Reproductive Medicine
- Table 5-1: State Mandated Benefits: Contraceptives, 2003 Table 5-2: States that Either Mandate to Offer or Mandate to Cover Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003
Chapter Six: Company Profiles
- Table 6-1: Barr Laboratories’ Current Generic Oral Contraceptive Product Portfolio
Appendix C: Selected Reproductive Clinics in the United States, by State
- Figure C-1: Location of ART Clinics in the United States and Puerto Rico