Antibiotic development has never proceeded at this pace or with this much urgency. Demand for effective antibacterial compounds is growing rapidly and companies are trying to fill their pipelines with products that can meet the challenges of increasingly stubborn infectious agents. By far the largest of the anti-infective segments, antibacterials represent approximately 65% of the $20 billion world market in infectious disease drugs. However, it’s also the most crowded of the segments with big pharma and small biotech companies alike speeding toward the market. The second volume of Kalorama’s ongoing market study on anti-infectives tackles this large and dynamic segment with a global report on the clinical, regulatory, business, and even political forces that are shaping the rapidly changing antibiotic market.
Don’t forget to check out Volumes I and III of this exciting series! Purchase two volumes and save 10% or purchase the entire series and save 20%!
Volume I: The World Market for Antifungal Medications
Volume III: The World Market for Antiviral Medications
The World Market for Anti-infectives Series – Volumes I-III
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Executive Summary
- Perspective on Anti Infective Pharmaceuticals
- Antibiotic Medications Overview
- Current Drugs
- The Need for New Drugs
- Market Orientation in Brief
- Top Classes of Antibiotics
- Top Classes of Antibiotics
- Major Market Drugs
- Major Market Players
- Pipeline Therapies
- Issues Driving the Market
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Unnecessary Prescriptions
- Patents
- Forecast Summary
- Scope and Methodology
Chapter Two: Introduction
- Microbiology of Infection
- Gram Negative Bacteria
- Gram Positive Bacteria
- Types of Compounds
- Beta-lactamase
- Clauvanic Acid
- Imipenem
- Sulbactam
- Tazobactam
- Cephalosporins
- Macrolides
- Sulfanilamide
- Penicillin
- Aminoglycosides
- Chloramphenicol
- Tetracyclines
- Chlortetracycline
- Quinolones
- Fluoroquinolones
- Drug Use Patterns
- Resistance Issues
- Trends
- Macrolide Resistance
- Streptococcus pneumoniae
- Global Resistance Initiative
- Natural Products
Chapter Three: Emerging Therapies
- Research Activities
- Nasal Antibiotic
- Iron Absorbing Mechanisms
- Bacteriophages
- Peptide Antibiotics
- Targeting Enzymes
- Blocking Pathways
- In the Pipeline
- Drug and Patent Exclusivity
Chapter Four: The World Market For Antibiotics
- Overview
- Markets by Geographic Region
- United States
- Europe
- Japan-Asia, Latin America, Africa
- Market Share by Type of Drug
- Major Market Drugs and Players
- Generic Competition
- Generic Antibiotics Market
- Generic Product Trends
- Pediatric Antibiotic Market
- Otitis Media
- Acute Epiglottitis
- Meningitis
- Urinary Tract Infections
- Pediatric Market Forecast
- Market Issues
- Emerging Disease Market Opportunity
- Bioterrorism
Chapter Five: Company Profiles
- Abbott Laboratories
- ActivBiotics
- Agis Industries Ltd.
- AntexPharma Inc.
- Aventis Pharma AG
- AstraZeneca PLC
- Bayer AG
- Biochemie GmbH
- Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.
- British Biotech plc
- CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals Inc.
- Corus Pharma Inc.
- Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc.
- Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
- DepoMed Inc.
- Ecopia BioSciences Inc.
- Eli Lilly and Co.
- Elite Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
- Elitra Pharmaceuticals
- Enanta Pharmaceuticals Inc.
- Essential Therapeutics Inc.
- First Horizon Pharmaceutical Corp.
- Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
- Genome Therapeutics Corp.
- GlaxoSmithKline plc
- Hoffmann La Roche Ltd.
- Ibis Therapeutics
- Intrabiotics Pharmaceuticals Inc.
- Johnson and Johnson
- Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp.
- Merck and Co. Inc.
- NAEJA Pharmaceutical Inc.
- Norcarex Bio Corp.
- PanTherix Ltd.
- Paratek Pharmaceuticals Inc.
- Pfizer Inc.
- Recordati SpA
- Salix Pharmaceuticals
- Surya Pharmaceutical Ltd.
- Taisho Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
- Tanabe Seiyaku Ltd.
- Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd.
- Versicor Inc.
List of Exhibits
Chapter One
- Figure 1-1: World Anti-Infective Drug Market Share by Type and Distribution Channel
- Figure 1-2: Market Share for the Top Three Classes of Antibiotics
- Table 1-1: Revenues of Top-Selling Prescription Antibiotic Drugs
- Table 1-2: World Prescription Antibiotic Drug Market, Percentage Shares of Top Competitors
Chapter Two
- Figure 2-1: Prescription Drug Use in the United States
- Table 2-1: US Incidence Data for Selected Bacterial Disease
- Table 2-2: Selected Resistent Infection Statistics
- Table 2-3: Mortality Statistics for Major Infectious Diseases
- Table 2-4: Epidemiologic Statistics for Most Common Infections
Chapter Three
- Table 3-1: Notable Antibiotic Therapies in the Development Pipeline
- Table 3-2: Exclusivity Expirations for Key Antibiotic Pharmaceuticals
- Table 3-3: Patent Expirations for Key Antibiotic Pharmaceuticals
Chapter Four
- Table 4-1: The World Market for Anti-Infective Medications, 2002-2006
- Table 4-2: The World Market for Antibiotic Medications, 2002-2006
- Table 4-3: The U.S. Market for Antibiotic Medications, 2002-2006
- Table 4-4: The European Market for Antibiotic Medications, 2002-2006
- Table 4-5: The Japanese-Asian Market for Antibiotic Medications, 2002-2006
- Table 4-6: The Latin American Market for Antibiotic Medications, 2002-2006
- Table 4-7: The African Market for Antibiotic Medications, 2002-2006
- Figure 4-1: World Antibiotic Drug Market, Share by Type of Drug
- Table 4-8: Revenues of Top-Selling Prescription Antibiotic Drugs
- Figure 4-2: Market Share of Top-Selling Prescription Antibiotic Drugs
- Table 4-9: Prescription Generic Anti-infective Drug ANDA Approvals, 2001
- Table 4-10: The World Market for Antibiotic Medications Generic vs Branded Revenues, 2002-2006
- Figure 4-3: Market Share of Generic vs Branded Antibiotic Medications 2002 and 2006
- Table 4-11: Selected Prescription Antibiotics for Pediatric Administration
- Table 4-12: The World Market for Antibiotic Medications Pediatric vs Non-Pediatric Revenues, 2002-2006
- Table 4-13: Re-Emerging Infectious Disease, Selected Recent Cases