Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market represents Kalorama Information’s 11th edition of coverage of the advanced remote patient monitoring market, reflecting the market’s increasing focus on telehealth and telemedicine. The global patient monitoring and telehealth market has continued its expansion in both the institutional and home segments of the health market, with the United States and many European countries at the forefront of implementation. Telehealth is becoming an integrated part of how health is delivered worldwide. The market has benefited from the demand to move to a more wireless and streamline operation both within major health facilities and in-home treatment markets. Among the market data provided in the report are the following:
- Global Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Equipment, Devices and Services, 2016 – 2023 (millions)
- Global Remote Monitoring and Telehealth Service Market Value, 2016-2023 (millions)
- Major Player Participation in Patient Monitoring and Telehealth – 2018 Market Share
Markets by World Region, and Country Markets
The market is expected to climb during the forecast period, with North America leading the global market and the United States providing the largest individual market. Emerging markets continue as well to impact sales. The report provides regional market summaries for North America; Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA); Asia Pacific; and Latin America; as well as country market information for United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Japan, China, Brazil, and Mexico. Total market is provided, as well as market by facility application:
- Global Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Region, 2016-2023 (in millions) (North America, EMEA, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Global Market)
- Global Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2018 (United States, Japan, China, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, ROW)
- North America Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (United States, Canada, North America Market)
- North America Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- United States Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Canada Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- EMEA Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Rest of EMEA, EMEA Market)
- EMEA Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Germany Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- United Kingdom Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- France Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Italy Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Asia Pacific Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Japan, China, Rest of Asia Pacific, Asia Pacific Market)
- Asia Pacific Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Japan Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- China Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Latin America Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Brazil, Mexico, Rest of Latin America, Latin America Market)
- Latin America Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Brazil Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Mexico Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
Market Segments by Component
The market for remote patient monitoring and telehealth is segmented into two basic component groups, which may be integrated components or standalone systems: equipment and devices, and services. Equipment and devices for remote diagnosing, monitoring and treating patients are divided into four major product segments: blood management and function monitors, cardiac event and function monitors, neurological event monitors, and respiratory function monitors. Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market provides the following market data on equipment and devices:
- Global Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Equipment and Device Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 ($ millions) (Hospital/Acute Care Applications, Home Health/Consumer Applications, Total Revenues, Percent Change)
- Distribution of Revenues for Hospital/Acute Care Telehealth/Remote Monitoring Equipment and Devices, 2018 (Respiratory Function, Neurological Event, Cardiac Event and Function, Blood Management and Function, Other)
- Distribution of Revenues for Home Health/Consumer Telehealth and Remote Monitoring Equipment and Devices, 2018 (Cardiac Event and Function, Neurological Event, Respiratory Function, Blood Management and Function, Other)
- Summary: Telehealth and Remote Monitoring Equipment and Devices, Revenues by Product Type, 2013-2023 (millions) (Blood Pressure Monitors, Rhythm Management Devices/monitors, EEG Monitors, Capnographers, Glucose Monitors, EKG Monitors, Other Neurological Monitors, Sleep Monitors, PT/INR Monitors, Fetal Heart Monitors, Anesthesia Monitors, Other Respiratory Monitors, Other Blood Management Monitors, Other Cardiac Monitoring Devices, Pulse Ox Monitors, Other Monitoring Devices)
In terms of services, there are four general delivery mechanisms in use, as discussed within the report, which provides the following market data:
- Telemonitoring Services: Number of Active Monitoring Accounts by Year, 2006-2018
- Consumer Initiated Telehealth Patient Visits by Year, United States, 2006-2018
- Telehealth Service Providers – Direct to Consumer – Summary of Cost and Features
- Distribution of Revenues for Telehealth/Telemonitoring Services by Source, 2018 (Subscription Accounts, Monitoring Center Services, Consumer Services)
- Global Telehealth/Telemonitoring Service Market by Application, 2018 (Cardiac Event Monitoring, Tele-ICU, ESRD, Substance Abuse/Mental Illness, General Wellness and Other, Total)
Advanced Monitoring & Telehealth Products and Technologies
Advanced technologies in patient monitoring are emerging in response to the increased healthcare needs of an aging population, new wireless technologies, better video and monitoring technologies, decreasing healthcare resources, an emphasis on reducing hospital days, and proven cost-effectiveness. New wireless and Bluetooth technologies, improved infrastructure, and patient familiarity with wireless devices are all combining to advance sales and use of new technologies in patient monitoring systems. Patients are now more comfortable with using a monitoring device, then having a hub send the data to their healthcare provider via telephone, mobile phone, wireless, PC, or other connection. Supported peripherals such as high-quality video and audio enable interactive telehealth encounters.
The interest in telemedicine and telehealth has exploded over the last decade. Involvement in this care segment has several benefits and hospitals, caregivers, device manufacturers, and patients are continuing to jump on board with acceptance using this technology. There are more than 1,000 clinical trials recently completed, currently underway or beginning recruitment listed by the National Institutes of Health for telemedicine/telehealth trials. The report provides data on telehealth clinical trials:
- Selected Clinical Trial Activity by Industry Participant
- Monitoring, Telemedicine & Telehealth Clinical Trials by Condition, May 2019 (Anxiety Disorders, Eye Diseases, Asthma, Renal Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, Depression, Dementia, Diabetes, Heart Failure, Obesity, Pain, Psychotic Disorders, Parkinson’s Disease, Sleep Apnea, Stroke, Substance-related Disorders, Others)
- Monitoring, Telemedicine & Telehealth Clinical Trials by Country, May 2019 (United States, Canada, France, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Korea, Brazil, China, Israel, Others)
Telehealth Regulation and Reimbursement
In the United States, reimbursement policies for telemedicine, telehealth, telemonitoring, or any remote monitoring vary widely. In recent years, a number of states have continued to adopt legislation, which includes live-video telemedicine/telehealth services and reimburses at comparable levels and rates as in-person visits. Other services such as store-and-forward are often limited in reimbursement levels with most states recognizing simple structures such as x-rays and standard images. In the area of remote patient monitoring, many states make exceptions for certain populations such as the elderly or those with complicated conditions such as diabetes or heart failure which may result in overall health savings to monitor the condition compared with an event. The report provides the following data on reimbursement for telehealth/telemedicine services in United States:
- U.S. State Telehealth Laws and Reimbursement Programs: Medicaid/Medicare
- Number of States with Telehealth Reimbursement Programs (Medicaid – telehealth, Live Video Reimbursement, Store-and-Forward, Remote Patient Monitoring Reimbursement)
- CY 2019 Medicare Telehealth Services
- Physician Fee Schedule 2015 – 2019, Facility Fee Pricing for Telehealth-related Codes (US)
Market Landscape
There are a large number of companies offering some form of wireless and remote technologies, patient data processing applications and equipment, or EMR data transfer equipment. Competitors supplying patient monitoring and telehealth systems to hospitals are large, established healthcare companies, often working in conjunction with information technology (IT) companies on an entire system. The home healthcare and other sectors are much more fragmented and are dominated by privately held companies. There are many participants in the market. The report profiles significant contributors to the patient monitoring and telehealth technologies market, including:
- Abbott
- Aeon Global Health
- Aerotel Medical
- AMD Global Telemedicine
- American Well
- Athena GTX
- AViTA Corporation
- Baxter International
- Biomedix
- BioTelemetry
- Biotronik
- Boston Scientific
- Cardiomedix
- CliniCloud
- Compumedics
- Contec Medical Systems
- eDevice
- Eko Devices
- GeaCom
- General Devices
- GlobalMed
- Honeywell
- InTouch Health
- Medtronic
- Notal Vision
- OSI Systems
- Philips
- Preventice
- Remote Medical International
- Roche
- swyMed
- Thinklabs
- TytoCare
- VSee
Additionally, this edition of Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market from Kalorama provides a wider range of coverage in the consumer-grade segment and on-demand telehealth services. In recent years, the consumer segment has become an undeniable segment of this industry and many professional-grade device manufacturers have had to change product design and marketing efforts to reach this new opportunity for growth. The segments largely affected by the consumer device market are glucose monitors, heart rate monitors, fetal and pregnancy monitors, pulse oximeters, sleep apnea devices, weight monitoring devices and other similar areas of product offering. This market specifically includes equipment and devices with wireless and remote technologies, patient data processing applications and features, applications that transfer patient monitoring results to electronic medical records (EMRs) and services for patient monitoring by third-party providers. This does not include EMR applications and equipment. Basic and manual patient monitoring devices are also not included. Among products not included are obsolete glucose monitors that are not equipped to be part of a system to forward data to a telehealth record and standard hospital patient monitoring equipment that does not forward data to a central station. Many of these older devices can no longer be purchased from the manufacturer directly and are often purchased as a refurbished item.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Executive Summary
Scope and Methodology
Markets by Component
- Equipment and Devices
- Services
- Table 1-1: Telemedicine, Telehealth, and Advanced and Remote Patient Monitoring Component Descriptions
Markets by End Users
- Table 1-2: End User Groups in Patient Monitoring, Telehealth and Telemedicine Markets
Markets by Region
- Table 1-3: Top 100 Countries by Population and Region, 2018 (North America; Asia Pacific; Europe, Middle East, Africa; Latin America w/Caribbean)
Market Summary
- Figure 1-1: Global Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Equipment, Devices and Services, 2016 – 2023 (millions)
Chapter 2: Introduction to Remote Monitoring & Telehealth Markets
Industry Overview
End Users
The Impact of Population, Life Expectancy and Healthcare Efficiency
Chapter 3: Advanced Monitoring & Telehealth Products and Technologies
New Technologies
- Wireless Technologies
- Wearable Medical Devices
- Smartphones in Healthcare
- Remote Monitoring
Telehealth Clinical Trials
- Table 3-1: Selected Clinical Trial Activity by Industry Participant
- Figure 3-1: Monitoring, Telemedicine & Telehealth Clinical Trials by Condition, May 2019 (Anxiety Disorders, Eye Diseases, Asthma, Renal Failure, Coronary Artery Disease, Depression, Dementia, Diabetes, Heart Failure, Obesity, Pain, Psychotic Disorders, Parkinsonís Disease, Sleep Apnea, Stroke, Substance-related Disorders, Others)
- Figure 3-2: Monitoring, Telemedicine & Telehealth Clinical Trials by Country, May 2019 (United States, Canada, France, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Korea, Brazil, China, Israel, Others)
Applications by Disease State
- The Burden of Chronic Disease
- Figure 3-3: Global Prevalence of Disease, 2000, 2015 and Projected 2030 (Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Depresson, Asthma, Coronary Heart Disease / Ischemic Heart Disease, COPD, Epilepsy, Alzheimer’s Disease, HIV / AIDS, Stroke Survivors, Cancer, Tuberculosis, Parkinsonís Disease, ESRD)
- Death: The Ultimate Consequence of Chronic Disease
- Figure 3-4: Global Causes of Death, 2000, 2015 and Projected 2030 (Cancers [all types], Ischemic Heart Disease, Stroke, Influenza/Pneumonia, COPD, Diabetes Mellitus, Alzheimer’s Disease/Dementia, Diarrheal Diseases, Tuberculosis, Road Injuries, HIV/AIDS, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Kidney Disease, Hypertensive Heart Disease, Self-Harm)
- Figure 3-5: Mortality: Chronic vs. Acute, 2015
- Figure 3-6: Mortality: Chronic vs. Acute, 2030 Projected
EMR (EHR) Data Transfer Applications and Equipment
- The Electronic Medical/Health Record
- Physician-based/Ambulatory EMR/EHR Services
- Figure 3-7: Physician Adoption of EMR/EHRs 2008-2018, Basic System and Fully Functional System (Basic System, Fully Functional, Not Using)
- Hospital-based EMR/EHR Services
- Figure 3-8: Hospital Adoption of EMR/EHRs with Certification, vs. Not Certified, 2008-2018 (Certified EMR/EHR, Not Certified)
Cloud-Based Mobile Healthcare
- Cloud Connectivity and Compatibility
Technology Achievements
- Implantable Medical Devices
- Technology for Drug Adherence, Targeted Delivery, and Monitoring
- Using Technology to Address Behavioral Health
- Managing Obesity with Telemedicine
- Mobile Medical Applications and Patient Monitoring
- Smart Beds
- Nanobots in Medicine
Telehealth Presence Growing in Traditional Retail Outlets
- Best Buy
- Amazon
- Apple
Chapter 4: Telehealth Regulation and Reimbursement
Telehealth/Telemedicine Reimbursement
- Table 4-1: U.S. State Telehealth Laws and Reimbursement Programs: Medicaid/Medicare
- Figure 4-1: Number of States with Telehealth Reimbursement Programs (Medicaid – telehealth, Live Video Reimbursement, Store-and-Forward, Remote Patient Monitoring Reimbursement)
- United States: Interstate Licensure Medical Compact
- Europe: Country Cross-Border Telemedicine
- Reimbursement for Telehealth Services in United States
- Table 4-2: CY 2019 Medicare Telehealth Services
- Facility Fee Schedule – Telehealth-Related Codes
- Table 4-3: Physician Fee Schedule 2015 – 2019, Facility Fee Pricing for Telehealth-related Codes
- Reimbursement for Telehealth in Europe
Chapter 5: Market Segments by Component
Equipment and Devices
- Table 5-1: Global Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Equipment and Device Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 ($ millions) (Hospital/Acute Care Applications, Home Health/Consumer Applications, Total Revenues, Percent Change)
- Figure 5-1: Global Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Equipment and Device Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Figure 5-2: Distribution of Revenues for Hospital/Acute Care Telehealth/Remote Monitoring Equipment and Devices, 2018 (Respiratory Function, Neurological Event, Cardiac Event and Function, Blood Management and Function, Other)
- Figure 5-3: Distribution of Revenues for Home Health/Consumer Telehealth and Remote Monitoring Equipment and Devices, 2018 (Cardiac Event and Function, Neurological Event, Respiratory Function, Blood Management and Function, Other)
- Figure 5-4: Summary: Telehealth and Remote Monitoring Equipment and Devices, Revenues by Product Type, 2013-2023 (millions) (Blood Pressure Monitors, Rhythm Management Devices/monitors, EEG Monitors, Capnographers, Glucose Monitors, EKG Monitors, Other Neurological Monitors, Sleep Monitors, PT/INR Monitors, Fetal Heart Monitors, Anesthesia Monitors, Other Respiratory Monitors, Other Blood Management Monitors, Other Cardiac Monitoring Devices, Pulse Ox Monitors, Other Monitoring Devices)
- Blood Pressure Monitor
- Glucose Monitor
- Prothrombin Time (PT) Monitor
- Cardiac Rhythm/Event Monitor
- EKG/ECG Monitoring
- Fetal Heart Monitor
- Neurological Event and Function Monitors
- Anesthesia Monitor
- Capnograph
- Pulse Oximeters
- Sleep Monitor
- Networked Solutions
- Cloud Services
- Remote Monitoring, Remote Monitoring Centers
- Figure 5-5: Telemonitoring Services: Number of Active Monitoring Accounts by Year, 2006-2018
- Direct to Consumer/On-Demand Telehealth
- Figure 5-6: Consumer Initiated Telehealth Patient Visits by Year, United States, 2006-2018
- Table 5-2: Telehealth Service Providers – Direct to Consumer – Summary of Cost and Features
- Table 5-3: Global Remote Monitoring and Telehealth Service Market Value, 2016-2023 (millions)
- Figure 5-7: Global Remote Monitoring and Telehealth Service Market Value, 2016-2023
- Figure 5-8: Distribution of Revenues for Telehealth/Telemonitoring Services by Source, 2018 (Subscription Accounts, Monitoring Center Services, Consumer Services)
- Table 5-4: Global Telehealth/Telemonitoring Service Market by Application, 2018 (Cardiac Event Monitoring, Tele-ICU, ESRD, Substance Abuse/Mental Illness, General Wellness and Other, Total)
Chapter 6: Markets by World Region
Regional Market Summary
- Table 6-1: Global Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Region, 2016-2023 (in millions) (North America, EMEA, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Global Market)
- Figure 6-1: Global Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Region, 2016-2023 (in millions) (North America, EMEA, Asia Pacific, Latin America)
- Figure 6-2: Global Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2018 (United States, Japan, China, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Italy, Brazil, Mexico, ROW)
North America
- Table 6-2: North America Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (United States, Canada, North America Market)
- Figure 6-3: North America: Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (United States, Canada)
- Figure 6-4: North America Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- United States
- Figure 6-5: United States Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Canada
- Figure 6-6: Canada Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA)
- Table 6-3: EMEA Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Rest of EMEA, EMEA Market)
- Figure 6-7: EMEA: Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Rest of EMEA)
- Figure 6-8: EMEA Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Germany
- Figure 6-9: Germany Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- United Kingdom
- Figure 6-10: United Kingdom Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- France
- Figure 6-11: France Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Italy
- Figure 6-12: Italy Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
Asia Pacific
- Table 6-4: Asia Pacific Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Japan, China, Rest of Asia Pacific, Asia Pacific Market)
- Figure 6-13: Asia Pacific: Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Japan, China, Rest of Asia Pacific)
- Figure 6-14: Asia Pacific Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Japan
- Figure 6-15: Japan Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- China
- Figure 6-16: China Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
Latin America
- Table 6-5: Latin America Market for Patient Monitoring and Telehealth by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Brazil, Mexico, Rest of Latin America, Latin America Market)
- Figure 6-17: Latin America: Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market by Country, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Brazil, Mexico, Rest of LATAM)
- Figure 6-18: Latin America Patient Monitoring/Telehealth Market Value by Facility Application, 2016-2023 (millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Brazil
- Figure 6-19: Brazil Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
- Mexico
- Figure 6-20: Mexico Patient Monitoring and Telehealth Market Landscape, 2016-2023 (in millions) (Hospital/Acute Care, Home Health/Consumer)
Chapter 7: Patient Monitoring & Telehealth Company Profiles
- Figure 7-1: Major Player Participation in Patient Monitoring and Telehealth – 2018 Market Share
- Table7-1: Corporate Profile – Abbott
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-2: Abbott Financial Review, 2016-2018 ($millions)
Aeon Global Health
- Table 7-3: Corporate Profile – Aeon Global Health
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-4: Aeon Global Health Corp and Subsidiaries Financial Review, 2016-2018 ($thousands)
Aerotel Medical
- Table 7-5: Corporate Profile – Aerotel Medical
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
AMD Global Telemedicine
- Table 7-6: Corporate Profile – AMD Global Telemedicine
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
American Well
- Table 7-7: Corporate Profile – American Well
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
Athena GTX
- Table 7-8: Corporate Profile – Athena GTX
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
AViTA Corporation
- Table 7-9: Corporate Profile – AViTA Corporation
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
Baxter International
- Table 7-10: Corporate Profile – Baxter International
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-11: Baxter International Financial Review, 2016-2018 ($thousands)
- Table 7-12: Corporate Profile – Biomedix
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-13: Corporate Profile – BioTelemetry
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-14: BioTelemetry Financial Review, 2016-2018 ($thousands)
- Table 7-15: Corporate Profile – Biotronik
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
Boston Scientific
- Table 7-16: Corporate Profile – Boston Scientific
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-17: Boston Scientific Financial Review, 2016-2018 ($millions)
- Table 7-18: Corporate Profile – Cardiomedix
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-19: Corporate Profile – CliniCloud
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-20: Corporate Profile – Compumedics
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-21: Compumedics Financial Review, FY 2016-2018 ($millions)
Contec Medical Systems
- Table 7-22: Corporate Profile – Contec Medical Systems
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-23: Corporate Profile – eDevice
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
Eko Devices
- Table 7-24: Corporate Profile – Eko Devices
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-25: Corporate Profile – GeaCom
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
General Devices
- Table 7-26: Corporate Profile – General Devices
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-27: Corporate Profile – GlobalMed
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-28: Corporate Profile – Honeywell
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-29: Honeywell International Financial Review, 2016-2018 ($millions)
InTouch Health
- Table 7-30: Corporate Profile – InTouch Health
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-31: Corporate Profile – Medtronic
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-32: Medtronic Financial Review, Fiscal Year 2016-2018 ($millions)
Notal Vision
- Table 7-33: Corporate Profile – Notal Vision
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
OSI Systems
- Table 7-34: Corporate Profile – OSI Systems
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-35: OSI Systems Financial Review, FY 2016-2018 ($millions)
- Table 7-36: Corporate Profile – Philips
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-37: Philips Financial Review, 2016-2018 ($millions)
- Table 7-38: Corporate Profile – Preventice
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
Remote Medical International
- Table 7-39: Corporate Profile – Remote Medical International
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-40: Corporate Profile – Roche
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Financial Performance
- Table 7-41: Roche Financial Review, 2016-2018 ($millions)
- Table 7-42: Corporate Profile – swyMed
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-43: Corporate Profile – Thinklabs
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-44: Corporate Profile – TytoCare
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-45: Corporate Profile – VSee
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Table 7-46: Corporate Profile – ZIVELO
- Company Background and Overview
- Product Portfolio