RFID offers various solutions for the main segments of the healthcare industry—hospitals and nursing homes, pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, and pharmacies.
This Kalorama Information report, The Global Market for RFID in Healthcare , defines the market for RFID opportunities in the healthcare industry, focusing on five market segments:
- Pharmaceutical/Blood Product Distribution and Tracking
- Patient/Medical Staff Identification and Tracking
- Medical Asset Tracking and Locating
- Implantable Device RFID use
- Other areas (including medical documents and patient records)
Market estimates and forecasts are provided for each segment.
The main users of RFID technology in the healthcare sector include hospitals, pharmaceutical manufacturers, nursing homes, and pharmacies.
In the pharmaceuticals sector, RFID has been deployed by a number of companies, primarily for supply chain management applications. In most cases, the technology has been deployed for particular applications or a part of the business.
As part of its coverage of RFID in global healthcare the report discusses the following trends:
- Healthcare Establishment Statistics
- U.S. Healthcare Employment Projections
- Aging Population
- RFID Emissions may Affect Certain Medical Devices
- Active RFID and Wi-Fi Networks in Healthcare Applications
- Hospital Inefficiency
- Counterfeit Drugs
- Global Counterfeiting
- Benefits of Improving Product Management
- Regulatory Compliance to Control Drug Counterfeiting
- Electronic Pedigree and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Improved Inventory Control
- Prescription Sample Control
- Health and Safety Concerns
- Smaller, Faster Chips
- Other Uses of RFID in Healthcare
- “Never Events” Reimbursement
- Signal Transmissions
- Existing Technologies
- Uniform Regulation and Standardization
- Public Privacy Concerns
This Kalorama Information market research report was constructed using both primary and secondary sources, including a search of trade and medical literature, annual reports, and interviews with executives at companies in the industry.The following companies are profiled in the report:
- 3M
- Alien Technology
- Blue Vector
- Hewlett-Packard
- International Business Machines (IBM)
- Intermec, Inc.
- Motorola
- PositiveID (previously VeriChip)
- Solstice Medical
- SupplyScape
- Tagsys, Inc.
- Versus Technology
- Zebra Technologies
- This Kalorama Information market research report was constructed using both primary and secondary sources, including a search of trade and medical literature, annual reports, and interviews with executives at companies in the industry.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Scope and Methodology
- Size and Growth of the Market
- Customer Segments
- Cost of RFID Deployment
- Industry Initiatives to Promote the Adoption of RFID in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
- Basics of RFID Technology
- Basic System Components
- Configurations of RFID Systems
- Parameters for Distinguishing RFID Systems
- Classification of RFID Systems
- Security Aspects and Possible Attacks on RFID Systems
- RFID Infrastructure
- Key Benefits of RFID in Healthcare
- Applications of RFID in the Pharmaceutical Industry
- RFID Application Areas
- Drivers
- Challenges
- Application of Identification Technologies
- Anti-Counterfeiting Applications for RFID in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
- Current Counterfeit Warning fromm the FDA
- Pfizer’s SupplyScape E-Pedigree System
- Pharmaceutical Company Interview
- Pharmaceutical Distributor Interview
- Worldwide Implementation of RFID within Pharmaceuticals
- Building Radio Frequency Identification Solutions for the
- Global Environment (BRIDGE) Project
- St. Clair Hospital
- GlaxoSmithKline
- Refrigerated Drug Cabinets
- Partners Develop E-Pedigree Solutions for Pharmaceutical Companies
- Cardinal Health and California’s Drug Pedigree Law
- Faster and More Accurate Shipping Methods
- Worldwide Implementation of RFID Within Healthcare Services Industry
- Jena Hospital
- Wayne Memorial Hospital
- Enterprise VISion system from Versus Technology
- Healthcare Establishment Statistics
- U.S. Healthcare Employment Projections
- Aging Population
- RFID Emissions may Affect Certain Medical Devices
- Affect on Blood Products
- Active RFID and Wi-Fi Networks in Healthcare Applications
- Hospital Inefficiency
- Counterfeit Drugs
- Global Counterfeiting
- Benefits of Improving Product Management
- Regulatory Compliance to Control Drug Counterfeiting
- Electronic Pedigree and the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
- Return on Investment (ROI)
- Improved Inventory Control
- Prescription Sample Control, Restocking Pharmaceutical Supplies and RFID
- Health and Safety Concerns
- Clinical Trials
- Smaller, Faster Chips
- Other Uses of RFID in Healthcare
- “Never Events” Reimbursement
- Signal Transmissions
- Existing Technologies
- Uniform Regulation and Standardization Developers Answer to Uniform Standards
- RFID’s Public Privacy Concerns
- Overview
- World RFID Markets by Application
- Military Applications
- Animal Applications
- Retail/Manufacturing/Fashion Applications
- Transportation Applications
- Documents/Financial Assets/Security (non-military) Applications
- Healthcare Applications
- Other Applications
- RFID Focus: Healthcare Market
- Pharmaceutical RFID Market Size and Forecast
- Staff and Patient RFID ID and Tracking Market Size and Forecast
- Medical Asset RFID Tracking Market Size and Forecast
- Implantable Device RFID Tracking Market Size and Forecast
- Other Medical/Healthcare RFID Technology Market Size and Forecast
- Total Healthcare RFID Market by World Region
- Industry Voices
- Industry Initiatives to Promote the Adoption of RFID in Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
- RFID Infrastructure Deployment
- Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Deployment
- Scaling from Pilot to Implementation Stage
- Cost of RFID Deployment
- Introduction
- 3M 134
- Alien Technology
- Blue Vector
- Hewlett-Packard
- International Business Machines (IBM)
- Intermec, Inc.
- Motorola 145
- PositiveID (previously VeriChip)
- Solstice Medical
- SupplyScape
- Tagsys, Inc.
- Versus Technology
- Zebra Technologies
- Table 1-1: World Healthcare RFID Market, 2007-2014
- Figure 1-1: World Healthcare RFID Market, 2007-2014
- Figure 1-2: Global Market for RFID with Segmented RFID Markets in Healthcare, 2009
- Table 1-2: Major RFID Benefits for Users
- Table 2-1: RFID Terminology
- Figure 2-1: RFID System
- Figure 2-2: Parameters for Distinguishing RFID Systems
- Table 2-2: Classification of Radio Frequency in Terms of Performance Parameters
- Table 2-3: Applications of RFID with Different Ranges
- Table 2-4: Comparison of Active and Passive RFID in Terms of Different Performance Parameters
- Figure 2-3: Parameters for Classification of RFID Systems
- Table 2-5: Auto ID Centre Classification of RFID Systems
- Table 2-6: Types of Attacks on RFID Systems and their Countermeasures
- Figure 2-4: Classification of RFID Tags
- Figure 2-5: Value Chain of the RFID Industry
- Table 2-7: Select Identification Technologies Compared on Different Parameters
- Table 2-8: Key Differences between Bar Codes and RFID
- Table 2-9: Vertical-wise Application and Benefits of RFID
- Figure 2-6: Classification of Identification Technologies Applications
- Figure 2-7: Example of a Comprehensive Track-and-Trace Process
- Table 2-10: BRIDGE project RFID Implementation
- Table 3-1: Healthcare Statistics
- Table 3-2: International Population Trend Age 65+
- Figure 3-1: International Population Trend Age 65
- Table 3-3: United States Population Trend Age 65+
- Figure 3-2: International Population Trend Age 65+
- Table 3-4: Counterfeiting Rates by Region
- Table 3-5: Estimated Return on Investment (millions) for the Implementation of RFID -Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- Figure 3-3: Estimated Return on Investment (millions) for the Implementation of RFID – Typical Large Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
- Table 3-6: Estimated Return on Investment (millions) for the Implementation of RFID -Pharmaceutical Distributors
- Figure 3-4: Estimated Return on Investment (millions) for the Implementation of RFID – Typical Large Pharmaceutical Distributor
- Table 4-1: Total World RFID Market, All Applications, 2007-2014
- Figure 4-1: Total World RFID Market, All Applications, 2007-2014
- Table 4-2: Total RFID Market by Application
- Figure 4-2: Total RFID Market by Application
- Table 4-3: World Healthcare RFID Market, 2007-2014
- Figure 4-3: World Healthcare RFID Market, 2007-2014
- Table 4-4: Pharmaceutical and Blood Products RFID Market, 2007-2014
- Figure 4-4: Pharmaceutical and Blood Products RFID Market, 2007-2014
- Table 4-5: Staff and Patient Tracking RFID Market, 2007-2014
- Figure 4-5: Staff and Patient Tracking RFID Market, 2007-2014
- Table 4-6: Medical Asset RFID Tracking Market, 2007-2014
- Table 4-7: Implantable Device RFID Tracking Market, 2007-2014
- Figure 4-7: Implantable Device RFID Tracking Market, 2007-2014
- Table 4-8: Other RFID Tracking Market, 2007-2014
- Figure 4-9: Composite Figure – Global Market for RFID with Segmented RFID Markets in Healthcare, 2007-2014
- Figure 4-10: Global Market for RFID with Segmented RFID Markets in Healthcare, 2009
- Table 4-9: Healthcare RFID Market by World Region, Estimated 2009 Revenues and Share
- Figure 4-11: Healthcare RFID Market by World Region, Estimated 2009 Share
- Table 5-1: Planning and Implementing RFID Systems
- Table 5-2: Phase-wise Proposed Deployment of RFID in the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
- Figure 5-1: Cost of Implementation of RFID (2004 and 2010)