Kalorama Information has been covering wound care markets for a decade, and during that time the industry has seen incredible change each year as advanced technologies enter the marketplace and become better positioned. 2010 is no exception.
As a result of the growing population of the elderly, healthcare systems are challenged to treat rising incidences of complex diseases and conditions. Emerging wound care products and technologies are well-positioned to capitalize on this growth.
These advanced wound care products are detailed in Kalorama Information’s Wound Care 2010, our complete look at the wound care industry. As part of its coverage of the market in 2010, this report includes:
- Market Size and Forecast
- Key Industry Developments and Trends
- Review of Major Products
- Company Profiles
- Types of Wounds and Treatment
- Market by Application Area
(Burns, Skin Ulcers, Surgical and Trauma Wounds)
- Market by Product Categories
(Closures, Anti-Infectives, Dressings, Cleaning/Debridement, Other)
- Regional Breakout of Market
- Competitive Analysis and Market Share
Besides the always-improving synthetic dressing materials, newer technologies in wound treatment include the xenogeneic tissue scaffold, bilayered human dermal substitutes, recombinant growth factors, endoscopic subfascial ligation of venous perforators, and endovascular arterial repair techniques. New wound care products and devices are entering the market with lightening speed, all striving for the best clinical outcomes.
The worldwide wound care market is based on total manufacturers’ revenues. The information and analysis presented in this report are based on extensive surveys of senior management in the wound care market. Background information was obtained from a comprehensive search of published literature and reports obtained from various government, business, medical trade, and international journals. Key information from published literature was used to conduct over 60 interviews with industry executives and product managers to validate and obtain expert opinion on current and future trends in the wound care industry. Interviews were also used to confirm and/or adjust market size and market share estimates, as well as in formulating market projections.
As part of the coverage in this report, the following companies are profiled:
- 3M Healthcare
- Advanced BioHealing
- Baxter BioScience
- Covidien, Ltd.
- Covatech
- Derma Sciences
- Glaxo Smith Kline
- Healthpoint
- Hill-Rom
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kinetic Concepts
- Medline Industries
- MoInlycke Healthcare
- Pfizer
- Smith & Nephew
- Systagenix Wound Management
All market data pertains to the U.S. market at the manufacturers’ level. Data are expressed in current U.S. dollars. The base year for data was 2009. Historical data are provided for each of the years 2007 through 2009, and forecast data are provided for each of the years 2009 through 2014. Historical, base year, and forecast data are provided for each market segment. Market shares are provided for each market segment for the 2009 base year.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Scope and Methodology
- Size and Growth of the Market
- Trends Affecting the Market
- Competitive Outlook
- Functions of Skin
- Normal Integument
- Epidermis
- Dermis
- Subcutaneous Tissue
- Effects of Aging on the Integumentary System
- Types of Wound Healing
- Wound Healing Process
- Delays of Wound Healing
- Complications of Wound Healing
- Hypertrophic Scars and Keloid Formation
- Contracture
- Dehiscence
- Excess Granulation Tissue
- Adhesions
- Skin Ulcers
- Pressure or Decubitus Ulcers
- Diabetic Ulcers or Neuropathic Ulcers
- Arterial Ulcers
- Venous Ulcers
- Burns
- Thermal Injury
- Chemical Injury
- Electrical Injury
- Depth Classification
- First-Degree Burns
- Superficial Partial-Thickness Burns (Second-Degree)
- Deep Partial Thickness Burns
- Full-Thickness Burns (Third and Fourth-Degree)
- Surgical Wounds
- Anti-Infectives
- Compression and Composite Dressings
- Sutures
- Absorbable
- Surgical Gut
- Synthetic Absorbable Polymers
- Nonabsorbable
- Surgical Silk
- Surgical Cotton
- Linen
- Surgical Stainless Steel
- Synthetic Nonabsorbable Polymers
- Staplers and Staples
- Tissue Adhesives, Sealants and Glues
- Fibrin-based
- Collagen-based
- Polymeric Sealants
- Synthetic Adhesives/Glues
- Tapes
- Dry Dressings
- Cleansing
- Debridement
- Alginates
- Hydrocolloids
- Hydrogels
- Films
- Foam Dressings
- Artificial Skin
- Collagen
- Growth Factors
- Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
- Pressure Relief
- Miscellaneous
- Electrical Stimulation
- Ultraviolet
- Oxygen and Hyperbaric Oxygen
- Whirlpool Therapy
- Electromagnetic Therapy Device
- Ultrasound
- Low Intensity Laser Therapy
- Other Therapies
CHAPTER FIVE: Total Market Size, Forecast and Competitive Analysis
- Total Market by Application Area
- Total Market by Product Category
- Total Market by Region
- Competitive Market Summary
CHAPTER SIX: Industry Developments
- Demographics and Epidemiology
- Scars
- Honey Treatment
- Reimbursement
- Reimbursement Developments
- Electronic Medical Records
- Telemedicine and Wound Care
- Growth Factors
- Regulatory Issues
- Non-Payment Events
- Evidence-Based Wound Care
- Silver Toxicity
- Home Care
- Wound Care Clinics
CHAPTER SEVEN: Company Profiles
- Overview
- Baxter BioScience
- Covidien, Ltd. Covatech
- Glaxo Smith Kline
- Healthpoint
- Hill-Rom
- Johnson & Johnson
- Kinetic Concepts
- Medline Industries
- MoInlycke Healthcare
- Pfizer
- Smith & Nephew
- Summary Table: Total Worldwide Wound Care Market Revenues 2007-2014
- Summary Figure: The Worldwide Wound Care Market Revenues 2007-2014
- Table 3-1: Common Sites for Pressure Ulcer Development
- Table 4-1: Selected Topical Brand Name Anti-Infectives Currently Available (Product, Active Ingredient, Manufacturer)
- Table 4-2: Selected Compression and Composite Dressings and Bandages Currently on the Market
- Table 4-3: Selected Absorbable Sutures by Manufacturers and Products
- Table 4-4: Selected Nonabsorbable Sutures by Manufacturers and Products
- Table 4-5: Selected Staplers and Staples Manufacturers and Products
- Table 4-6: Selected Tissue Adhesives, Sealants, and Glues Manufacturers and Products
- Table 4-7: Selected Adhesive Strips and Tapes Currently on the Market
- Table 4-8: Selected Dry Dressing (Woven and Nonwoven) Currently on the Market
- Table 4-9: Toxicity Index for Selected Wound Cleansers
- Table 4-10: Selected Cleansing Agents Currently on the Market
- Table 4-11: Selected Debridement Agents
- Table 4-12: Selected Alginate Products Currently on the Market
- Table 4-13: Selected Hydrocolloid Products Currently on the Market
- Table 4-14: Selected Hydrogel Products Currently on the Market
- Table 4-15: Selected Films and Composites Currently on the Market
- Table 4-16: Selected Foam Manufacturers and Products
- Table 4-17: Selected Artificial Skin Products Currently on the Market
- Table 4-18: Selected Collagen Products Currently on the Market
- Table 4-19: Selected Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Products Currently on the Market
- Table 4-20: Selected Pressure Relief Equipment Currently Available
- Table 4-21: Selected Miscellaneous Wound Treatment Manufacturers and Products
- Table 5-1: Total Worldwide Wound Care Market Revenues 2007-2014
- Figure 5-1: The Worldwide Wound Care Market Revenues 2007-2014
- Figure 5-2: Worldwide Wound Care Market by Application Area (Skin Ulcers,
- Burns, Surgical/Trauma)
- Figure 5-3: Worldwide Wound Care by Product Category, 2009 (Sutures/Sutures/Sealants, Dressings, Cleansing/Debridement/Compression, Anti-Infectives and Other)
- Figure 5-4: Worldwide Wound Care Revenues by Region, 2009
- Figure 5-5: Worldwide Wound Care Revenues by Region, 2014
- Table 5-3: Revenues and Share of Total Worldwide Wound Care Market by
- Leading Supplier 2009
- Figure 5-6: Market Share by Leading Supplier 2009
- Table 6-1: Global and U.S. Population by Selected Characteristic,2003, 2008, and 2013
- Figure 6-2: U.S. Population by Selected Age, 2003, 2008, and 2013
- Figure 6-3: Global Population by Selected Age, 2003, 2008, and 2013
- Table 6-2: Global and U.S. Yearly Incidence of Wounds by Type