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Published: December 16, 2013 | Price: $995.00 – $1,990.00
Full coverage of the IVD market in Mexico, including important IVD segments.Published: November 22, 2013 | Price: $1,995.00 – $4,000.00
The World Market for Hematology Used for both critical and routine testing, hematology is a central part of IVD. CBCs contribute to the general assessment of health for patients during regular check-ups. Conditions such as anemia, other blood disorders, infection, allergy, iron and vitamin deficiencies are easily diagnosed through a CBC. This report, authored by Kalorama Analyst Emil Salazar, defines the market worldwide for analyzers, point of care tests, stains and slides and imaging systems used in hematology testing. Hematology...Published: October 25, 2013 | Price: $1,995.00 – $3,900.00
What is the procedure, for establishing reimbursement for an IVD test product? What companies have been successful and how? What changes will IVD makers face in the near-term. This Kalorama Information report, Reimbursement for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests, answers these questions and provides authoritative data for IVD business planners. One of the critical factors for the success of an IVD product is reimbursement. Reimbursement is a critical component of the health care landscape and will continue to have a major...Published: May 8, 2013 | Price: $2,995.00 – $6,750.00
The World Market for Cancer Diagnostics, 5th Edition: Precision and Personalized Testing Arrives Cancer testing is maturing from personalized medicine to precision medicine, where protein and molecular biomarkers are essential for precise diagnosis, therapy selection, therapy monitoring and early detection of cancer recurrence. The market for cancer testing are comprehensively covered in Kalorama Information's Worldwide Market for Cancer Diagnostics, 5th. Edition. This report, authored by Kalorama Diagnostic Analyst Shara Rosen, contains detailed market data on the following IVD segments for...Published: January 31, 2013 | Price: $1,995.00 – $3,990.00
IVD Procedure Volume and Pricing Analysis This report examines the global procedure volumes for IVD and laboratory tests. It covers only commercialized tests, specifically excluding those that are developmental or used primarily for research purposes.. Point of Care (Glucose, Pregnancy, Other) CoreLab (General Chemistries, Blood Gas Analyzers, Urinalysis, Immunoassays Infectious Disease, Cardiac Markers, Diabetes/HbA1c, Autoimmune) Molecular (Infectious Disease [inc. molecular tests for HIV, Hepatitis, STDs, HAI, Respiratory, Other], Oncology, Inherited Disease, Other) Hematology Coagulation (PT, PTT) Microbiology (Automated Panels, Manual...Published: January 9, 2013 | Price: $4,500.00 – $9,000.00
Molecular diagnostics is becoming a dominant platform in clinical medicine and represents one of the fastest growing segments of the IVD market. As analyst Shara Rosen, R.T., MBA. details, in recent years years the number of assays introduced has been growing at a remarkable clip. This report, The World Market for Molecular Diagnostics (Infectious Disease, Oncology, Blood Screening, Pre-Natal and Other Areas) represents the fifth time that Kalorama has conducted a complete study into the market for molecular diagnostics. Comprehensive Coverage...Published: August 15, 2012 | Price: $995.00 – $1,995.00
Mobile health has reached in vitro diagnostics and as this Kalorama report details, may change the industry forever. Over the years, the introduction of transportable, portable, and handheld instruments has resulted in the migration of clinical lab testing from the central lab to a range of environments including self-testing, community clinics, the workplace, home, disaster care and most recently, retail convenience clinics. In spite of promotional materials that emphasize ease of use, the majority of currently available POC tests require...Published: July 27, 2012 | Price: $2,995.00 – $7,990.00
In eight best-selling editions, Shara Rosen has detailed the market for in vitro diagnostic (IVD) testing, throughout the world, in one complete volume. The report, The Worldwide Market for In Vitro Diagnostic Tests, is a testament to the Kalorama methodology. Real industry knowledge combined with an exhaustive review of the medical, business, and company literature. Market numbers for business planning matched with a discovery of the trends that are impacting the industry. A realistic forecast five years into the future...Published: January 1, 2012 | Price: $1,995.00 – $4,995.00
This Kalorama Information report - The World Market for Cancer Therapeutics and Biotherapeutics (Chemotherapy Agents, Interleukins/interferons, Monoclonal Antibodies, Hormone and Other Therapies) represents the fourth time that Kalorama Information has taken a comprehensive look at oncology therapeutics. The report focuses on several segments for cancer treatment including: Chemotherapy, - Subcategories include Alkylating Agents, Antimetabolites, Cytotoxic Agents, Plant Derivatives - Brands such as Elotaxin, Taxotere, Gemzar, Alimta and Temodar, with Market Share for each Hormone Therapy: - Subcategories include Corticosteroids, Hormone...Published: March 1, 2011 | Price: $1,500.00 – $2,500.00
This bundle provides customers with three of the most intensely researched Kalorama Information reports covering the diagnostic industry authored by Shara Rosen, R.T., M.B.A. in 2010 and 2011 These reports will be provided in one PDF, each with its own table of contents. The bundle allows customers to save almost $4,500 off the cost of the individual reports. THE WORLDWIDE MARKET FOR IN VITRO DIAGNOSTIC TESTS, 7th Edition This 900 page report contains coverage of all segments of In Vitro...Published: June 1, 2010 | Price: $4,995.00 – $9,990.00
NOTE: This report is based on 2008 Market Data The current population of India is 1.14 billion, and with a growth rate of 1.7%, India will surpass China to become the world’s largest country around 2030. For diagnostic manufacturers, this enormous market is just now being recognized as a high-growth area as the pace of economic growth in India accelerates and modern laboratory practices become established. This comprehensive report, produced in collaboration with IVD research firm McEvoy and Farmer on...Published: April 1, 2010 | Price: $4,200.00 – $8,400.00
Since Kalorama Information last updated our comprehensive market report on cancer testing, changes in the industry abound. Developments that were novel two years ago such as the commercialization of service products , PGx testing and tissue microarrays are showing an increased presence. Some companies who promised much in the past have not produced results. And new entrants have entered the field. These changes and more are addressed in Kalorama Information's Worldwide Market for Cancer Diagnostics, 4th. Edition. This report authored...Published: November 1, 2009 | Price: $3,995.00 – $7,990.00
As Kalorama Information's lead diagnostic analyst finds, the point of care concept is at a crossroads: the technologies needed to make rapid testing a reality have arrived. But is healthcare ready? Kalorama believes that the drive for wellness and the attention surrounding healthcare reform will focus attention on rapid diagnostics. However, according to Shara Rosen, RT, M.B.A., there are many challenges which must be overcome for point of care solutions to be fully utilized, and those companies willing to pivot...Published: May 1, 2009 | Price: $250.00 – $3,395.00
It is commonly asserted that in vitro diagnostics is a recession-proof industry. Kalorama Information's lead diagnostic analyst Shara Rosen tests that assumption and provides strategic conclusions in Shara Rosen's new report In Vitro Diagnostics in a Recessionary Economy. The economic problems that began slowing the U.S. economy keep spreading, with Europe and Japan following America into recession. The US is experiencing high unemployment rate and increased numbers of uninsured workers. But what impact is the downturn having on in vitro...Published: November 1, 2008 | Price: $2,500.00 – $5,000.00
Dominated by Lab Corp and Quest, the clinical laboratory services market is growing as new competitors enter. An essential part of the health industry, it is estimated that approximately 80% of physician’s diagnoses are a result of laboratory tests. In addition to diagnosing patients, clinical lab testing is performed to evaluate disease progression, monitor drug treatment and conditions, determine individual therapy, and several other reasons. Those seeking to enter this business or to know more about it will benefit from...