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Published: May 7, 2014 | Price: $995.00 – $1,990.00
Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) Control Markets: Disinfection, Area, Sterilization, Device Sterilization, Testing-C.diff, Testing-MRSA, Treatments Infections from activities and procedures taking place within a healthcare facility have become a cause for great concern. These infection may occur in a postoperative wound or as a complication unrelated to the disease or condition. This report, Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Control Markets: focuses on the market opportunities for companies that can assist hospitals and other healthcare facilities with important HAI mitigation tasks including: preventing, testing...Published: February 27, 2014 | Price: $995.00 – $1,990.00
The Long Term Care Market, Forecasts to 2018 The advancing age of the population makes long-term care an important consideration for health marketers. This report, The Long Term Care Market: Nursing Homes, Home Care, Hospice Care, and Assisted Living, covers the most important segments of the long term care industry, each of which provide medical care and/or assistance with the activities of daily living (ADLs) on an ongoing basis: Nursing care Home care Hospice care Assisted living ...Published: August 9, 2013 | Price: $3,995.00 – $7,990.00
This Kalorama Information report The Market for Hospital-Acquired Infection Control (Sterilization, Cleaning, Testing, Treatment) focuses on the market for preventing, testing and treating infections in the healthcare environment. Given the cost of hospital-acquired and healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), demand has increased for solutions that can help the healthcare industry reduce infections and the costs associated with them. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that around 1 in 20 or 5% of hospitalized patients will contract an HAI. ...Published: June 25, 2013 | Price: $1,500.00 – $3,000.00
The growing demands on the health industry have resulted in higher demand for new and better medical technology products. New technologies in the health IT segment are emerging in response to increased healthcare needs of an aging population, streamlining and efficiency demands, changes in reimbursement, new wireless technologies including wireless monitoring technologies, decreasing healthcare resources, an emphasis on reducing hospital days, and proven cost-effectiveness. In particular, the Tablet PC has been focused on as it mimics clipboards and other products...Published: June 18, 2013 | Price: $1,500.00 – $3,000.00
This report, Out of Pocket Healthcare 2013, is Kalorama's latest estimates for the amount spent by consumers on their own (through cash payments, credit cards, FSAs and finance programs) for healthcare services. The out-of -pocket market for the following areas are included: Doctors Pharmaceuticals Hospitals ER Vision Dental Elective Procedures The report estimates the amount spent in cash/checks and the amount financed. As part of the report, spending for the following healthcare costs are provided for years 2008-2016: Premiums Co...Published: August 14, 2012 | Price: $3,995.00 – $7,990.00
A nosocomial, or hospital-acquired, infection is a new infection that develops in a patient during hospitalization. It is usually defined as an infection that is identified at least forty-eight to seventy-two hours following admission, so infections incubating, but not clinically apparent, at admission are excluded. This type of infection is also known as a hospital-acquired infection (or more generically healthcare-associated infections). The following are among the hospital infections considered in this report: Acinetobacter Baumannii Clostridium Difficile Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Pseudomonas Aeruginosa...Published: June 6, 2012 | Price: $995.00 – $1,990.00
Use of mobile devices in the healthcare field has taken off in a way not surprising given the fast pace of healthcare work. Innovative companies have been well ahead of this trend and launched applications that are seeing revenues. Kalorama Information has studied the market over the past two years and found a growing market with room for new entrants. This Kalorama Information report, The Worldwide Market for Mobile Medical Apps detailsthe smartphone and other mobile applications or “apps” that are...Published: March 15, 2012 | Price: $3,995.00 – $7,990.00
The advancing age of the population makes long-term care an important consideration for health marketers. This report, The Long-Term Care Market: Nursing Homes, Home Care, Hospice Care, and Assisted Living covers the most important segments of the long term care industry, each of which provide medical care and/or assistance with the activities of daily living (ADLs) on an ongoing basis: Nursing care; Home care; Hospice care; Assisted living. Kalorama Information publishes its fourth edition of this detailed report on the...Published: March 13, 2012 | Price: $2,500.00 – $5,250.00
This report, EMR 2012 is a look at the market and trends impacting electronic medical record software and related services. Included in the report are statistics influencing the industry, demographics; life expectancy, and company strategies. Information is presented as a U.S. market, with a section on key international markets. A market summary includes a total market analysis. Also included is a competitive analysis of leading EMR system providers. As part of its research, the report includes: 2011 Market Estimates for...Published: June 1, 2010 | Price: $3,995.00 – $7,990.00
Kalorama Information publishes its third edition of this detailed report on the long term care industry at a time of growth but also change and concern for the long term care industry. The economy has challenged the business strategies of key players, while the recent healthcare legislation introduces changes that may affect revenues. These twin challenges are addressed in The Long-Term Care Market: Nursing Homes, Home Care, Hospice Care, and Assisted Living The report provides an in-depth examination of the...Published: May 1, 2010 | Price: $995.00 – $1,990.00
RFID offers various solutions for the main segments of the healthcare industry—hospitals and nursing homes, pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, and pharmacies. This Kalorama Information report, The Global Market for RFID in Healthcare , defines the market for RFID opportunities in the healthcare industry, focusing on five market segments: Pharmaceutical/Blood Product Distribution and Tracking Patient/Medical Staff Identification and Tracking Medical Asset Tracking and Locating Implantable Device RFID use Other areas (including medical documents and patient records) Market estimates and...Published: August 1, 2009 | Price: $1,995.00 – $7,000.00
The healthcare information technology (HIT) market was in a growth trend prior to the recent recession. While economic times have tightened budgets some, there is still opportunities for companies in this market. In this report, Kalorama takes a comprehensive look at the demand for IT products in the healthcare market - with a focus on computer systems for hospitals, nursing homes, physician offices and other healthcare entities. Kalorama has interviewed experts in the HIT industry and presents the latest findings...Published: April 1, 2009 | Price: $500.00 – $3,990.00
Current economic conditions dominate business strategies. While healthcare has fared better than other industries, it will not be immune from the effects of the current recession. But what aspects of healthcare will be impacted? How much of spending will be out of the consumer's pocket? How will some novel trends (retail clinics, medical tourism) fit into this economy? It is commonly asserted that OTC and generic drugs sales will be boosted. Will this pan out? What will be the possible...Published: March 1, 2009 | Price: $1,995.00 – $7,000.00
The appearance of in-store health clinics is a significant trend for pharmaceutical and POC diagnostic market watchers, as well as for those in retail. When last Kalorama published the first syndicated market research study on the emerging trend of in-store clinics in 2007, retail clinics were a novel trend. Now, with a few years of activity, they are established in food, drug, mass merchandizing and other stores, with both successes and failures. There is growth in some projects, scalebacks in...Published: July 1, 2008 | Price: $3,995.00 – $7,990.00
As Kalorama publishes its second edition of this detailed report on the long term care industry and all of its segments, there is no decrease in demand or activity for everything from nursing homes, to home care, to hospices. The U.S. long care industry has experienced strong growth from 2002 through 2007 and this growth is expected to accelerate through the forecast period as the U.S. population continues to age and demand rises for long term care. Ongoing cost containment...