What is the Size of the IVD Market in 2021?
What Major Trends are Affecting the Market in 2021?
Diagnostic test products have never been more important. This report is an update of the market for in vitro diagnostics products from Kalorama’s analysts to reflect the latest information as of Q4 2021. As part of its coverage, this report contains market sizing for several major categories of IVD.
The demand for testing and movement of current and new technologies has continued to demonstrate gains in most areas of the IVD market. New products, changes in global health spending, regulatory changes in major markets and disease trends are among the factors that produce a constantly evolving market picture. There are some growing segments in the market that have attracted industry attention. Among these are next-generation sequencing (NGS), cancer testing, and companion diagnostics technologies. Immunochemistry, point- of-care (POC) testing, and molecular diagnostics are also segments of great market interest, anticipated to be a big part of the future of IVD. The IVD market remains dynamic, demonstrating constant innovations.
Kalorama Information has been diligent in outlining the IVD market and its rapidly changing landscape. COVID-19 has provided many positive aspects for the IVD diagnostic market but forecasting the market has become very difficult due to the uncertain progression of COVID-19. Kalorama Information has been superior in accessing the market due to the extensive experience of its authors and commitment by the company to present the most accurate data available.