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228 search results for: cell gene



Stem Cell Therapeutics Market – Forecasts to 2025 (Cardiovascular and Circulatory Diseases, Endocrine Diseases, Cancer, Others)

Stem cells are anticipated to demonstrate considerable efficacy in clinical treatment and revenues to manufacturers with suitable products.  Kalorama Information’s Stem Cell Therapeutics Markets is a complete analysis of stem cell drugs now and in development.  The report estimates the opportunity by for novel technologies through an assessment of current products, pipeline, cost trends and […]


Biopharmaceutical and Vaccine Production Markets (Mammalian Cell Production, Microbial Cell Production Market, Monoclonal Antibody Manufacturing, Other Recombinant Protein Manufacturing, Vaccine Manufacturing, Insulin Manufacturing Market)

Biopharmaceutical and Vaccine Production Markets Biopharmaceutical and Vaccine Production Markets analyzes the entire manufacturing market for biologic drugs, including both outsourcing and costs by major maufacturers spending internally on biopharmaceutical and vaccine production. As part of its coverage, the following information is provided Market Size and Projections Vaccine Manufacturing Estimates Biologic Drug Methods Trend Analysis […]


Cell Phone-Enabled Diagnostics: mHealth Applications in IVD

Mobile health has reached in vitro diagnostics and as this Kalorama report details, may change the industry forever.  Over the years, the introduction of transportable, portable, and handheld instruments has resulted in the migration of clinical lab testing from the central lab to a range of environments including self-testing, community clinics, the workplace, home, disaster […]


Stem Cells: Worldwide Markets for Transplantation and Cord Blood Banking (Projections for Stem Cell Use in Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Arthritis and Other Diseases)

There is great interest in stem cells because they have potential to replace defective or damaged cells resulting from a variety of disorders and injuries, leading to a range of new regenerative therapies. Stem cells also have value as a research tool, as their in vitro study would allow scientists to learn more about the […]


Cell Culture: The World Market for Media, Sera and Reagents, 3rd Edition

Several cell culture-derived biopharmaceutical drugs were launched in the US and European markets in 2010. Biopharmaceuticals (recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibody and nucleic acid-based products) represent the fastest growing sector in the pharmaceutical industry. Driving the extraordinary interest in biopharmaceuticals is the ability of these large proteins to target diseases in a very specific manner, thus […]


Cell Culture: The World Market for Media, Sera and Reagents, 2nd Edition

Cell culture is a major foundation of biopharmaceutical development, bioprocessing and manufacturing. As the biopharmaceutical market grows, so should interest in the cell culture products market. Biopharmaceutical products are developed from large, complex protein molecules, which require equally complex manufacturing methods and an array of analytical techniques. As growing cells for biopharmaceutical production is slow, […]


Stem Cell Therapeutics Markets

Political and business events presage change for stem cell therapeutics, most notably the expected move by President Barack Obama to lift federal funding restrictions on stem-cell research. The U.S. Congress has also indicated a desire to move forward with stem cell research. The momentum in two branches of American government, along with scientific developments and […]


Stem Cells – Worldwide Markets for Transplantation, Cord Blood Banking and Drug Development

With their ability to differentiate and become an ongoing source of cells that make up critical tissues and organs, stem cells have potential for new regenerative therapies and as new research tools for drug developers to test emerging therapies on diseased cells. For market-watchers in the pharmaceutical industry, the question is what potential they have […]


Analytical Chip Technology – U.S. Markets for Lab on a Chip, DNA/Gene, Protein, and other Microarrays, 3rd. Edition

Analytical microchips can be considered one of the fastest growing technology segments in life sciences. The range of applications to which these miniature laboratories may be directed is very broad — covering fields as different as pharmaceutical development, food testing, clinical diagnostics, forensics, and environmental analysis. Kalorama’s Analytical Chip Technology: U.S. Markets for Lab on […]