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228 search results for: cell gene



The Worldwide Market for Point-of-Care (POC) Diagnostic Tests, 11th Edition

NOW IN ELEVEN EDITIONS—The Worldwide Market for Point-of-Care (POC) Diagnostic Tests forecasts the POC market through 2028. Lab-based analyzers in hospitals and reference labs are the cornerstone of revenues in the in vitro diagnostics (IVD) industry. However, the point-of-care (POC) segment is seen as a key growth area. Point-of-care refers to tests that can provide […]


In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Trends and Market Update: March 2024

Diagnostic testing has become a fundamental aspect of healthcare, aiding physicians in diagnosing conditions and determining treatments. Despite a decline in COVID-19 testing affecting total revenues, core diagnostic segments have generally experienced growth. Factors such as new products, changes in global health spending, regulatory shifts, and disease trends contribute to a constantly changing market, yet […]


The Worldwide Market for Liquid Biopsy, 6th Edition

Liquid biopsies have emerged as a minimally invasive diagnostic tool, analyzing tumor-derived materials circulating in biological fluids to offer valuable information for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. While tissue biopsies and imaging techniques remain standard in solid tumor diagnosis, liquid biopsies present an alternative or complementary approach, addressing some of the limitations and risks associated […]


The World Market for Molecular Diagnostics, 12th Edition

Recent years saw molecular diagnostics emerge as the fastest growing segment within the global in vitro diagnostics (IVD) market. The market was both boosted and challenged in unexpected ways by COVID-19. But where does the multi-billion-dollar molecular diagnostic market stand post pandemic? This new report by Kalorama Information, The World Market for Molecular Diagnostics, 12th […]


Emerging Cancer Vaccines: Market Forecasts, New Developments and Pipeline Analysis, 3rd Edition

It is the general consensus of scientists that cancer vaccines will become a reality. Overall the cancer treatment market continues to grow and this demand sets the stage for vaccine products. There are several promising vaccines: the propholactic Gardasil has created a pathway for new vaccine products. M-Vax, Ocon-Vax in late stage development and are […]


The Emerging Cancer Vaccine Market, 2nd Edition

Propelled by advances in molecular biology, the cancer vaccine industry is poised for unprecedented growth. This second edition of Kalorama’s groundbreaking 2003 study completely updates the market data and reviews the technological, clinical, and business trends that have shaped and reshaped this emerging field. Specific segments covered in the report include: Cervical cancer, Colorectal cancer, […]


Trends in Cell Therapeutics: Promise and Reality

Cell and tissue therapies are about to revolutionize the treatment of a number of diseases, including: organ, replacement, cartilage, skin, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer and cardiovascular tissue damage. Although cell therapy is not a new phenomenon, what is new is the scope and versatility of research using stem cell and tissue therapeutics, and […]



4 Key Components to a Winning Go-To-Market Strategy

Crafting a successful go-to-market (GTM) strategy in the laboratory diagnostic industry requires strategic planning and meticulous execution. It’s more than just bringing a product to market—it’s about aligning your offering with market needs, targeting the right audience, and positioning your brand for success. In this blog, we explore the essential steps and strategies necessary to […]


Immunoassays: A $27 Billion Market of Intrigue and Opportunity

The global market for lab-based immunoassays, inclusive of both infectious disease and non-infectious disease analytes and instruments, reached $27 billion in 2023 and is forecast to experience modest growth in the foreseeable future. The findings are based on data published in In Vitro Diagnostics Business Outlook, 2024, a bi-monthly newsletter focused on global IVD products […]


Molecular HPV Testing: 6.6% Revenue Growth 2023-2028

January is Cervical Health Awareness Month, a reminder that more than 95% of cervical cancer cases are attributed to the human papillomavirus (HPV), according to the World Health Organization (WHO). HPV testing is a key segment of the double-digit, multi-billion-dollar global molecular diagnostic testing market, according to the new report The World Market for Molecular […]