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228 search results for: cell gene



Single Cell Genomics Markets

The study of individual cells has long been an important part of biological research.  Historically this has been a very manual process; some automated technologies are available.  The need for microscopy and other traditional methods has remained, as new methods have also arrived, all of which have been gradually improved.  The ability to amplify DNA […]


CAR-T Cell Therapy Market Review

CAR-T cell therapy is a form of immunotherapy that utilizes the body’s own T cells to target and destroy cancer cells. This therapy is a personalized form of treatment, meaning that each patient receives T cells that are geared specifically toward his or her cancer diagnosis. T-cell therapy works by removing existing T cells from […]


The Market for Next-Generation Sequencing and Kalorama Survey of NGS Laboratories

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies encompass the modern, post-Sanger sequencing techniques that revolutionized and expanded the fields of molecular biology and genomics in recent years. NGS has been a disruptive technology that had a substantial impact on the characterization of the genome of various species, and has found numerous applications in a large variety of fields, […]


Global Cell Culture Markets (Media, Sera, Reagents)

Global Cell Culture Markets (Media, Sera, Reagents)  Growth in the use of cell culture for biological research, vaccine production, the production of therapeutic proteins, and emerging regenerative medicine applications are driving the global cell culture market. As second generation biologics such as monoclonal antibodies replace first generation therapeutic proteins, there is also an increased demand […]


The Market for Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) and Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs)

The Market for Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs) and Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) have tremendous utility in cancer research, aiding researchers in deciphering the complex processes leading to cancer metastasis and in developing more effective cancer therapeutics. Besides the research applications, the detection and analysis of CTCs has enormous potential in the […]


The Market for Home Care Products, Forecasts to 2019, 8th Edition (Wheelchairs, Walkers, Other Ambulatory Aids, Oxygen Products, Infusion Products, Home Ventilators, Incontinence Supplies, Defibrillators, Ostomy Products, Bathroom Safety Supplies and General Supplies)

The Market for Home Care Products Demand in the U.S. market for home care products and equipment continues to rise, with an aging population and an ongoing shift of chronic care patients from hospitals to home. New medical-technology devices are making it possible for the aging population and individuals with acute illnesses to remain at […]


The World Market for Tissue Diagnostics and Cell-Based Diagnostics: Forecasts to 2018 (Histology and Cytology Tests, in situ hybridization (ISH), HPV Tests, Flow Cytometry, Digital Pathology/Image Cytometry, Hematology Cell Assays, Immunohistochemistry, CTC and Other Tests)

Histology and cytology tests are essential for identifying cancer, inherited, infectious disease and other diseases.  This report focuses on tissue and cell diagnostic assays and technologies, providing the world markets for histology and cytology diagnostics for the current market and forecasted to 2018.  All of the technologies and applications discussed in this report share the […]



Cell Therapy Market Reaches 3.8 BN; Cancer Treatments Dominate and COVID-19 Applications Explored

Cell therapy involves the modification of human cell which are used to replace or repair damaged tissues or cells. Two areas with growing development and commercialization include chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T therapies and stem cell therapies. According to a recent report from Kalorama Information, the global market for cell and gene therapy in 2020 is […]


Next Generation Sequencing Continues to Make Strides: Neonatal Screening, Onco-genomics, Infectious Disease Dx, and More

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) in diagnostics is rapidly growing, having made great strides since the conclusion of the Human Genome Project fifteen years ago. Increasingly rapid and effective testing capabilities for hereditary diseases, cancers, cardiac and respiratory conditions, neurodegenerative disorders, and even infectious disease, are either on the horizon or have arrived. The promise of DNA […]